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News > Venezuela

Venezuela and the ICC Sign an Agreement of Understanding

  • The government of Venezuela, represented by by President Nicolas Maduro, and the International Criminal Court (ICC), by ICC prosecutor Karim Khan, signed an agreement of understanding for the defense and protection of human rights.

    The government of Venezuela, represented by by President Nicolas Maduro, and the International Criminal Court (ICC), by ICC prosecutor Karim Khan, signed an agreement of understanding for the defense and protection of human rights. | Photo: Twitter/@AndreteleSUR

Published 3 November 2021

"Venezuela is a country that has achieved peace thanks to justice," said President Maduro.

The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, signed this Wednesday an agreement of understanding with the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim A.A. Khan QC, which will facilitate cooperation and mutual assistance.

"We have reached an agreement that is self-explanatory; it is an agreement that expresses the synthesis of this journey that is a step in the relations of positive complementarity and cooperation between our Republic and the Office of the Prosecutor of the Criminal Court in The Hague," said President Maduro.


ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan Starts a Three-day Visit to Venezuela

The head of state detailed that during the three days of work with the ICC prosecutor, a frank and respectful dialogue was established amid some differences, "during the three days of work, the Venezuelan institutions have demonstrated their legal, doctrinal and constitutional strength," he added.

"We had not had the possibilities of an interactive and effective dialogue like the one we had in these days (...) Venezuela guarantees justice with institutions that are willing to improve, perfect and advance," said the President.

Pondering the strengthening of relations between Venezuela and the ICC, President Maduro reiterated his willingness to continue with the joint work: "after this debate, the prosecutor has decided to move to another phase to know the truth, although we may not agree, and in that framework, we have signed an agreement that guarantees cooperation, mutual support and dialogue to seek the truth and justice between the Venezuelan State and the ICC," he added.

"The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela signed a Memorandum of Understanding, based on the principle of positive complementarity established in the Rome Statute."

"In Venezuela, constitutional guarantees have prevailed so that there is peace, the country has conquered its right to peace," said the Venezuelan head of state, who extended a new invitation to Prosecutor Karim Khan to deepen mutual work in favor of truth and justice.

For his part, the ICC prosecutor acknowledged the willingness of the Venezuelan constitutional authorities for sincere dialogue: "he has been very generous (addressed to President Maduro) for the time he has dedicated to me and my team, thank you for the collaboration of all members of the Government."

"I am pleased that through the letters we signed, we are committed to working collaboratively, independently, with full respect for positive complementarity (...) my office will always work in accordance with the Rome Statute, we are guided by the principles of legality and the rule of law," added Prosecutor Khan.

Venezuela's Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, on Wednesday described the signing of the Understanding Agreement with the International Criminal Court (ICC) as a success for the nation.

"This memorandum is a victory of the Venezuelan democratic institutions with an international instance with which we have been working (...) the ICC prosecutor trusts the Venezuelan Justice system and it is established in the memorandum, he also recognizes Venezuela's efforts to do Justice", indicated the Venezuelan prosecutor. 

Saab detailed that during the visit of the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, a frank and transparent dialogue was held, "with the signing of the Understanding Agreement, the development of the investigation is ceded to Venezuela in its territory", he added.

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