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Venezuelan Authorities Capture Leaders of Attack on Barracks

  • Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez

    Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez | Photo: AVN

Published 11 August 2017

The two men are ex-Captain Juan Caguaripano Scott and Private Garcia Dos Ramos Yefferson.

Venezuela's Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez says the perpetrators of the paramilitary attack against Fort Paramacay barracks in Carabobo state last weekend have been captured in Caracas.

The two men are ex-Captain Juan Caguaripano Scott and Private Garcia Dos Ramos Yefferson.

Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Forces, FANB, said it repelled an attack last Sunday on the 41st Armored Brigade, which was led by a group made up of "civilian delinquents in military uniforms and a first lieutenant who had deserted," adding that "the terrorist operation was repelled and arrests made, including the first lieutenant."


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Two people from the anti-government group were killed and seven others were arrested.

The FANB said that "the terrorist operation included the release of a video by a junior official that over three years ago was removed from the armed forces, accused of treason and rebellion, who then fled the country and received protection in Miami, United States."

The Defence Ministry launched a nationwide manhunt for Caguaripano, a former National Guard captain, on Monday.

The assault on the military base coincided with a video circulated on social media in which Caguaripano called for a general uprising against the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

Padrino Lopez tweeted that the capture is "a blow to fascist terrorism that has been implemented by the Venezuelan right in recent months"

Venezuela's Vice President, Tarek El Aissami, confirmed on Twitter that they had caught "the two deserters and terrorists of the FANB responsible for the attack on a military unit in Carabobo."

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