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News > Latin America

Venezuela's Constituent Assembly Marks One-Year Anniversary

  • Members of the ANC attend the special session marking the body's first year anniversary.

    Members of the ANC attend the special session marking the body's first year anniversary. | Photo: Twitter / @ANC_ve

Published 4 August 2018

Constituent member Darío Vivas acknowledged the efforts of President Nicolás Maduro to impose a peace agenda, after months of violence promoted by opposition sectors.

The National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela held a special session Saturday to commemorate the first year of its installation.

The event took place in the Elliptical Hall of the Federal Legislative Palace, in Caracas, and is headed by the president of the body, Diosdado Cabello.

Speaking at the event, constituent member Darío Vivas acknowledged the efforts of President Nicolás Maduro to impose a peace agenda, after months of violence promoted by opposition sectors.

"Our constituent men and women celebrate the first anniversary of the installation of the body"

The ANC commended the president of the republic for "the importance of having convoked in a democratic manner the constituent power of the Venezuelan people to defend social guarantees."

"Treason will never come out of this ANC," Vivas stressed. "The president put himself at the service of our people and called for the election of the ANC."

At the same time, he highlighted the work of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the Armed Forces to guarantee the peace for Venezuelans.

President Maduro celebrated the anniversary of the ANC with a message through his Twitter account.

"Today is one year after the installation of the @ANC_ve, instrument that liberated us from the attack and the siege of the fascist right, stateless, which sought to plunge the country into the violence produced by the imperial whim of the north. We are now moving towards the consolidation of economic peace."
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