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News > Latin America

WHO Reconsiders Rescheduling Olympics Due To Zika—Again

  • WHO Director Chan has asked a panel of experts to reconsider whether the Rio Summer Olympics should be rescheduled due to concerns it could spread the Zika virus.

    WHO Director Chan has asked a panel of experts to reconsider whether the Rio Summer Olympics should be rescheduled due to concerns it could spread the Zika virus. | Photo: AFP

Published 4 June 2016

One week after rejecting calls from experts asking to postpone the Olympic games, the U.N. body decided to reassess the situation.

The head of the World Health Organization has asked a panel of experts to consider whether the Rio Summer Olympics should be held as scheduled due to concerns it could spread the Zika virus, reported AFP Sunday.

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The WHO sent teams of senior scientists to Brazil four times "to gather first-hand data on the current situation and assess the level of risk to the large number of athletes and spectators expected to attend the Olympic Summer Games," Director-General Margaret Chan wrote in a letter dated June 1.

She was responding to a request by U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen to evaluate the public health hazards of holding the Gamesg in Brazil in August.

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Shaheen posted Chan's letter online Friday.

"Given the current level of international concern, I have decided to ask members of the Zika Emergency Committee to examine the risks of holding the Olympic Summer Games as currently scheduled," Chan said.

The WHO chief said the experts were due to meet "shortly," and vowed to post their advice online "immediately."

"The Olympic Games draw athletes and spectators from every corner of the globe and it's important that we understand the global health implications," Shaheen said in a statement after receiving Chan's letter.

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WHO said Saturday the emergency committee meeting had already been planned for June, since it was required to do so within about three months of its last gathering, on March 8.

The exact date of the meeting should be published by the end of next week, spokesperson Nyka Alexander told AFP in an email.

She pointed out that the experts' job was to "provide public health advice and technical guidance to the government of Brazil and the Rio 2016 Local Organizing Committee on the public health risks of hosting a mass gathering such as the Olympics, and the recommended health systems that should be in place to host a safe and healthy event."

"WHO does not decide on whether to hold, cancel or postpone the Games," she said.

The WHO had previously rejected a call from more than 200 international doctors to change the timing or location of the Rio Games, saying shifting the Games would not substantially alter the risks of Zika spreading globally.

But concerns have been mounting since host country Brazil has by far been the hardest-hit since Zika began spreading in South America last year, with nearly 1,300 babies having been born there with irreversible brain damage since then.

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