A seldom seen video shows the two internationally recognized artists kissing and embracing each other while a narrator reads a love poem written by Frida to Diego.">
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Watch Rare Frida Kahlo Video On Her Love for Diego Rivera

  • Frida Kahlo

    Frida Kahlo | Photo: EFE

Published 3 March 2016

A seldom seen video shows the two internationally recognized artists kissing and embracing each other while a narrator reads a love poem written by Frida to Diego.

The relationship between Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera has sometimes been described as the union of an elephant and dove. The twenty-seven-year long love affair has also been referred to as one of history's most torrid love affairs. What was clear however was that despite the relationship's volatility, their love for each other persisted for almost three decades. 

Frida y Diego en la Casa Azul

Nadie sabrá jamás cómo quiero a Diego. No quiero que nada lo hiera, que nada lo moleste y le quite energía que él necesita para vivir, vivir como a él le dé la gana, Pintar, ver amar, comer, dormir, sentirse solo, sentirse acompañado; pero nunca quisiera que estuviera triste. Si yo tuviera salud quisiera dársela toda, si yo tuviera juventud toda la podría tomar, No soy solamente la madre, soy el embrión. el germen, la primera célula que- en potencia- lo engendró. Soy él desde las más primitivas y más antiguas células, que con el tiempo se volvieron él. Cada momento él es mi niño, mi niño nacido, cada ratito, diario, de mí misma.Frida Kahlo

Posted by Frida Kahlo on Monday, February 29, 2016


And now, in a newly released video, fans of the pair can catch a glimpse of Frida's love for Diego as a narrator reads a poem from her diary. 

"Nobody will ever know how much I love Diego, I don’t want anything to hurt him, nothing to bother him and rob him of the energy he needs for living -- for living as he likes, for painting, seeing, loving, eating, sleeping, being by himself, being with someone," the narrator reads.

"But I’d never want him to be sad. If I had good health, I’d give him all of it. If I had youth, he could take it all."

Mexican born Kahlo married fellow communist and artist Diego Rivera in 1929 despite her family's discontent and the couple's 20-year age difference.

The profound connection the two shared is said to have been filled with euphoria, anguish, devotion, passion and longing, resulting in them getting re-married after their initial divorce in 1939.

During the course of their relationship, Kahlo dedicated dozens of handwritten letters to Diego, referring to him as her "light," her "fulfillment" and her "joy."

One of Frida's poems dedicated to Diego reads: “Nothing compares to your hands, nothing like the green-gold of your eyes. My body is filled with you for days and days. you are the mirror of the night. the violent flash of lightning. the dampness of the earth. The hollow of your armpits is my shelter. my fingers touch your blood. All my joy is to feel life spring from your flower-fountain that mine keeps to fill all the paths of my nerves which are yours.”

Frida died in 1954 after her lungs collapsed, just a few days before the couple's 25th anniversary.

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