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News > Latin America

We've Been With Venezuela and We'll Continue Together: Iran

  • Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi (L) & Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (R), June 13, 2023.

    Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi (L) & Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (R), June 13, 2023. | Photo: teleSUR

Published 13 June 2023

"We will resist until that new international order is established," Iranian President Raisi said.

On Tuesday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and hundreds of young socialists were present at the Carreño Theater in Caracas, where Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi discussed contemporary geopolitics and the perspectives of the new world order.


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After thanking the Bolivarian leader for the invitation to visit his country, Raisi began by pointing out that all the signs of the emergence of a new world order are in sight.

In the emerging world, “independent countries are coming to the fore, while Imperialism is in decline. This means a great future for the peoples of Iran, Venezuela, and other sovereign countries."

The reconfiguration of international forces is accompanied by various processes, among which the Persian leader highlighted the gradual replacement of the U.S. dollar in international trade transactions.

"Achieving the advent of the new order presupposes that some norms and institutions change... Regional organizations are the emerging powers, which is why we want to join the BRICS," he said, referring to the economic cooperation forum headed by Brazil, Russia, India , China, and South Africa.

Raisi also highlighted that another characteristic of multilateralism under construction is the elimination of "all exclusivities." Until the new international order is consolidated, however, independent countries are committed to resisting aggressions and interventions.

"We will resist until that new international order is established. We have been together with the Venezuelan people in difficult days and we will stay together," he stressed, pointing out that arbitrary sanctions are the Imperialism's new tools of war.

Another of those instruments of intervention are the current multilateral institutions, the Persian leader explained and illustrated their operation with what is happening in his country.

"They have the largest nuclear power plants, but they do not allow other countries to use nuclear energy... They are the first violators of human rights... but international organizations only serve their interests."

"The current international order favors Imperialism, which only seeks dominance over the peoples. What they demand is that we exploit our natural resources and sell or grant them to whoever they want, instead of using them for the benefit of our peoples."

Finally, Raisi reiterated that resistance to Imperialism requires strengthening itself politically and socially and he was optimistic about the peoples that do so.

“Some people believe that the enemy will give in or back down if we bow down. However, we will defeat the enemy as long as there is resistance.”

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