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News > Latin America

While Opposition Riots, Venezuelan Govt. Builds Social Programs

  • A CLAP center set up to provide food for the poorest Venezuelans.

    A CLAP center set up to provide food for the poorest Venezuelans. | Photo: AFP

Published 16 May 2017

The Bolivarian government is committed to supporting the people, affirmed the president to his ministers.

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro highlighted the achievements of his government over the past year and launched another series of social welfare missions during the Council of Ministers held Tuesday.

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More than 6 million homes can now rely on the services of CLAP, an alternative model of food distribution funded by the Bolivarian government so the poorest can access basic products at lower prices, said Maduro, while the government has just launched a pilot plan that will deliver basic food baskets every 3 weeks in 200 towns classified as a priority.

The Barrio Adentro Mission, implemented in order to provide good-quality health care services to poor neighborhoods, is now covering the whole country. The government is now focusing on the improvement of surgical attention, approving the budget for a program that will take care of 600.000 patients that need surgical intervention, to be launched next week in over 600 health care centers.

A complementary system of currency was also launched Tuesday, designed to reduce as much as possible the level of speculation of the country's currency and address the situation of economic war, said Maduro. Nevertheless, the government has already paid US$60 billion of the national debt without resorting to the International Monetary Fund, added the head of state.

In addition, 13,000 citizens now hold ID cards that will help to manage the system of missions across the country better.

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