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White House Website Deletes Spanish, LGBT and Climate Change

  • Hundreds of thousands march down Pennsylvania Avenue during the Women's March, Jan. 21, 2017.

    Hundreds of thousands march down Pennsylvania Avenue during the Women's March, Jan. 21, 2017. | Photo: Reuters

Published 22 January 2017

The majority of the content has been transferred to the site ObamaWhiteHouse.gov.

Within hours of Donald Trump being inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States, the Spanish section of the White House website stopped working and the LGBT section and any references to climate change were promptly removed.

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Twitter users first pointed out the glaring omission Friday, when powers were transferred from Barack Obama to Trump.

However, the majority of the content on the White House website has been transferred to the site ObamaWhiteHouse.gov, an archive of Obama-era materials, where references to climate change and LGBT issues previously hosted on WhiteHouse.gov can still be found.

During Obama’s administration, the White House LGBT page was introduced to highlight important legislative achievements in this area, the historic victories in the courts and momentous changes in policies for queer and trans people.

While references to climate change have been eliminated, a new page supplying information about a new energy plan is up. It makes no mention of global warming and commits only to lowering prices that U.S. citizens pay for their energy. Under the Obama administration, the page celebrated the Climate Action Plan, a landmark deal he announced in 2013, which sought to fight climate change.

"Lastly, our need for energy must go hand-in-hand with responsible stewardship of the environment," the page’s only reference to the environment now reads. "Protecting clean air and clean water, conserving our natural habitats, and preserving our natural reserves and resources will remain a high priority.”

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