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Who Won the First US Presidential Debate?

  • Trump and Clinton take the stage for their first debate at Hofstra University, New York, Sept. 26, 2016.

    Trump and Clinton take the stage for their first debate at Hofstra University, New York, Sept. 26, 2016. | Photo: Reuters

Published 26 September 2016

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton clashed on law and order, racism and job creation.

The first U.S. presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump came to an end Monday night, with the two candidates clashing over law and order, racism and job creation. 

War for the White House

Trump, as predicted, attacked Clinton's support for the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, questioning her ability to increase employment in the United States.

On the question of law and order, Trump argued police officers should be allowed to arbitrarily "stop and frisk" civilians to check for weapons — a policy that led to the mass incarceration of young Black men.

Clinton in retaliation brought up Trump's "birtherism" allegations against President Barack Obama, claiming he embraced a racist conspiracy theory to advance his own political career.

Other key topics included the fight against Islamic State group, tax cuts and police violence.

Opinions are divided on who was the winner of the debate, but most mainstream media are giving it to Clinton.

The next debate will be held Oct. 9.

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