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World Greets Syriza Victory in Greece

  • The head of radical leftist Syriza party Alexis Tsipras raises his fist to supporters after winning the elections in Athens January 25, 2015

    The head of radical leftist Syriza party Alexis Tsipras raises his fist to supporters after winning the elections in Athens January 25, 2015 | Photo: Reuters

Published 25 January 2015

The victory of Greece’s anti-austerity Syriza party could be a sign of leftist victories throughout Europe in upcoming elections.

Leftist figures and political parties throughout the world sent congratulatory messages to Syriza, the leftist anti-austerity party that won elections in Greece Sunday.

Many, including Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras, had previously stated that a victory by his party in Greece could signal the beginning of the end of austerity policies throughout Europe.

Spain is also poised to elect an anti-austerity party in Podemos, with their leader Pablo Iglesias saying, “In Greece they have stirred up fear, and in spite of that, they have voted for change.”

Germany's leftist Die Linke, also sent a greeting of support to Syriza, tying their victory to change in Europe.  

Jean Luc Melenchon, Member of the European Parliament and President of the French Left Party sent a message of support to the Greek people, saying, “It is a long path that they have chosen. The Greeks have made their choice consciously,” via his Twitter account.  

French President, Francios Hollande, released a statement on the election results, expressing his "desire to pursue the close cooperation between our two countries in service of growth and the stability of the euro zone, in the spirit of progress, solidarity, and responsibility which represent the heart of the European values we share.”

Meanwhile, Conservative U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron cast a negative light on the results from Greece.  

British politicians, Ken Livingstone and George Galloway also warmly welcomed the news of Syriza's victory.

Celebratory messages came as far away as Venezuela, where Foreign Minister Elias Jaua, stated on Twitter, “The Greek people, after a long and historic battle against neoliberalism, has crowned itself a wonderful victory. Syriza is fresh air for Europe!”

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