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News > Mexico

Mexico: Parents of Missing Students Denounce Corruption

  • Parents Of Ayotzinapa's 43 demonstrate in Mexico City, Mexico, Sept. 26, 2019.

    Parents Of Ayotzinapa's 43 demonstrate in Mexico City, Mexico, Sept. 26, 2019. | Photo: EFE

Published 21 September 2020

They demand justice in a mass disappearance case that has not been solved since 2014.

The parents of the 43 disappeared students from Ayotzinapa in September 2014 denounced corruption within the Mexican judicial authorities.


Mexico: OHCHR Supports Families of the Ayotzinapa Disappeared

Their spokesman Felipe De La Cruz said that even though the Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador administration shows a willingness to get to the truth, they still find corruption in the judiciary.

"We know about the bribe received by the judge who released Jose Angel Casarrubias Salgado, one of the defendants in the Ayotzinapa case after he was arrested,” De La Cruz said. “That gives us the certainty that we are still contaminated and it's time to clean up.”

The families demand the authorities disclose some videos used during the trial for they could shed some light on the crime. "These videos show that several young people were taken by police to Huitzuco, in the Guerrero state,” the spokesman said.

On Tuesday, families will protest in front of the Congress in Guerrero to demand lawmakers to fulfill their promise to create a commission to support a new investigation.

The next day, they will demand justice for the victims in Mexico City, where they will demonstrate in front of the Supreme Court and will carry out a march to raise awareness on the case.

According to the controversial official version of former president Enrique Peña Nieto's administration, the Ayotzinapa students were murdered by "Guerreros Unidos", a criminal gang that cremated their remains in a garbage dump.

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