Nicaragua Condemns Continuation of Aggressions Against World Peoples

Nicaraguan leaders Rosario Murillo and the president Daniel Ortega. Photo: X/ @EmilioLozadaG

September 29, 2024 Hour: 6:52 pm

In a statement greeting the Sao Paulo Forum, the Nicaraguan government headed by the president Daniel Ortega and the vice-President Rosario Murillo they reject the “continuation of the crude and prepotent attacks against the peoples” in the Middle East, Africa, America and the Caribbean.


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“In this world so complex and full of urgent challenges, conflicts and misfortunes imposed by the colonialists and imperialists of the earth, our ideals and values, our dignity and brotherhood, must be strengthened,” reads the statement.

The document makes clear unity of all must be the triumphant strategy of peoples “in front of so many crimes and aberrations of those who think themselves powerful, in this world.”

The communiqué states that Nicaragua, with determination and conviction, Sandinista, anti-imperialist, and future, we are facing all challenges on all fronts and that the Central American country has always joined in all battles for “justice, truth, and hope.”

In this regard, the Nicaraguan government highlights that it is the all’s duty to eradicate that “deep wound, and move forward together, because we are going forward” in the homeland of Ruben Darío and Augusto Cesar Sandino.

Also the Nicaraguan leaders sent a brotherhood hung to the Cuban, Venezuelan peoples remembering the legacies of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez and the current heads of that countries Miguel Diaz Canel and Nicolas Maduro.

“With the Sandinista popular revolution, with the Sandinista national liberation front, with the heroic peoples of the world, the brave people of our Nicaragua, the youth, the families, and all at the front, we know that the victories are certain,” they conlude.

Autor: ACJ

Fuente: El 19 Digital

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