Nicaragua’s President Rejects Brazil and Colombia’s Stance on Venezuelan Elections

President Ortega and Fisrt Lady Rosario Murillo during the Virtual Meeting, Aug 26, 2024 Photo: @Canal4Ni
August 26, 2024 Hour: 5:58 pm
«The gringos will never accept the government that was chosen and decided by the Bolivarian people»
The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, rejected on Monday during the XI Extraordinary Summit ALBA-TCP the position of the governments of Brazil and Colombia on the presidential elections in Venezuela, and that they have not recognized the victory of President Nicolás Maduro in the polls after the people of this country elected him by majority sovereign way.
Government of Nicaragua Condemns Interference by Washington
Ortega assured that «the gringos will never accept the government that was chosen and decided by the Bolivarian people» and that they are very much grieved for the defeat they suffered in Venezuela.
He considered that the Government of Brazil wants to become the representative of the interests of the White House in the region. Explained that for this reason Nicaragua broke off relations with Brazil. He appreciated that it is a big country, a power, and made clear that Nicaragua is a small nation, but it has something that is bigger than that: dignity, sovereignty defense, he said.
The way you have behaved, Lula, before the legitimate President of Venezuela is shameful, repeating the slogans of the yankees, of the Europeans, of the servile, traitorous and dragged governments of Latin America, he said.
«If you want me to respect you, respect me, Lula. If you want the Bolivarian people to respect you, respect the victory of President Nicolás Maduro and don’t walk around like a slouch», he added.
Regarding Colombia, he said: Poor Petro. I see him competing with Lula to see who will be the leader who will represent the Yankees in Latin America. Petro does not have the strength that Brazil has. It is the giant. With this government that Lula has, he is not a good giant».
This maneuver has already failed for the U.S. Imperialism is badly hurt by this defeat. There is no turning back. Nicolás is the legitimate president, who continues the battle of Chávez and Bolívar.
Given this certainty, he urged that all means be used to prepare for an attempt at armed invasion of Venezuela or to try to articulate and sustain a civil war. He drew attention to the aggressiveness of the Colombian right wing in regard to the Bolivarian Revolution.
He considered that, in this case, the challenge of such a battle would be much greater given the possibility of them trying to involve the Colombian narcos, paramilitaries and military. If this happens, they can count on the solidarity of the Nicaraguan revolutionaries, he said.
The Nicaraguan leader pointed out that people have been gaining more and more courage and have identified with the deeds of those who gave up everything for their freedom. In his opinion, this level of consciousness explains why the Cuban Revolution and then the Sandinista took place despite so many coups d’état in Latin America, promoted by the USA. and applauded by Europe and Latin American countries.
In referring to the resurgence of fascism globally, he explained that it is encouraged by imperialist powers to take over other nations’ resources and subjugate sovereign and independent states.
Autor: OSG