Nigeria: Health Authorities Report Cholera Outbreak in the Big City of Lagos

Health Nigerian Workers, June 2024 Photo: @StandardKenya

June 21, 2024 Hour: 3:59 pm

More than 400 cases of cholera have been reported in Lagos state since the outbreak began

At least 21 people have died from cholera complications in Lagos, one of the most populated cities of Nigeria, health officials said.

Nigeria: Cholera outbreak kills 30

More than 400 cases of cholera have been reported in Lagos state since the outbreak began, the Nigerian newspaper The Guardian reported.

The governor’s special health adviser, Kemi Ogunyemi, said many of the new cases could be attributed to the festivities of Eid al-Adha, known as Ileya in Yoruba, the newspaper reported.

“The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the State Environment Ministry and its agency, the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA), continues to collect samples from water, food and beverage sources to identify the source of contamination”, said.

Ogunyemi asked residents to seek medical attention if they experienced watery diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, malaise and fever, and that treatment for cholera be free at public health centers.

Alongside the proliferation of cholera infection, the African pharmaceutical industry has allied with European countries such as France, in order to reach the application of a cholera vaccine.

Autor: OSG

Fuente: DW-Africanews

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