Elon Musk and the Cynicism of the Tycoons

Elon Musk


August 6, 2024 Hour: 9:31 am

Musk and his pack exude a macabre greed, deployed in coup narratives that insist on being the vanguard of imperial stupidity.

Although he serves as an example here, his name and surname are the least important. Musk is nothing more than a cog in the rotten and criminal system we denounce and fight against.


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Armed with his whims and magnate antics, Musk drools at the thought of seizing Venezuela’s natural resources and punishing Chavez’s revolutionary people with an ideological lesson for daring to build a sovereign country with a Bolivarian socialist project.

When greed turns into psychopathy, it overflows and seeps into their thoughts, words, actions, and omissions. They spread class hatred, aged in the barrels of the media, and scatter it far and wide. Monroe vs. Bolívar again?

From the inexhaustible deposits of their egos, Musk and his packs also ooze macabre greed, deployed in coup narratives that insist on being the vanguard of imperial stupidity. But they forget that there is a collective memory, which is not just an inventory of memories but a symbolic battlefield.

Musk feeds his perverse libido with the idea of launching an overwhelming onslaught of distortions and fake news to subjugate the people of Venezuela with a plan of looting, primarily oil, using the methodology of bourgeois “artificial intelligence” that they wield as a weapon of war.

Musk’s greed has been displayed as a secretion of elixirs that intoxicate his followers and admirers, as criminal as he is, impregnating them with beliefs or fetishes that appear as their own intellectual phenomena, even though they bear the stamp of cognitive warfare laboratories.

They are spending obscene sums for the coup whose true and concrete task is to take over natural resources in all areas. The coup’s looting is presented as “seductive” with the offer of “libertarian wonders” in abundance; leaving on the table of our realities the very bitter impotence that assaults us before the showcases of imperial violence. They want to sell us, at the point of a bayonet, the path of “sacrifices” to maintain faith in a future that will never come.

They want to make us believe that they have always had the right to exploit and loot us; that we must thank them and teach our children to adore submission to the empire as their best inheritance.

Musk has put his “face” forward to lead a delusion of the dictatorships that brew their ideological broths within bourgeois “democracies” as silent tendencies camouflaged with votes.

Musk has managed to infiltrate, with “democratic” rhetoric, and all forms of technological deceit, into a propaganda terrain fertile for his profitable irresponsibility. It is also a semantic coup orchestrated by the oligarchic media armies that call their looting perversions “democracy.”

The monopolistic concentration of technology is also a threat to democracies. And it seems we have become accustomed, at incalculable costs, to meekly, planned, and addictively consume everything imposed on us by transnational technology consortia, often rooted in the war industry. The Internet will not let us lie, for example.

We transfer to the war, banking, and media corporate apparatus – without brakes and without audits – enormous sums. Here, “dependence” should be understood in its broadest sense, which includes the most varied and “novel” addictions.

We acquire technology without sovereignty; we do not consolidate our productive forces, we do not create an internationalist current for emancipated and emancipating technology; we do not create semiotic factories for emancipation and the rise of consciousness towards transformative praxis; in the production of technologies, we do not create an ethical and moral bastion for the political control of discourse and expenditure.

It’s not that there are no talents or experts, it’s not that there’s no money or no needs with their scenarios. Once again, the crisis of transformative political leadership wreaked havoc. We talked a lot, did little. Not even the “MacBride Report” (1980) did we know how to listen to and use as we should have.

This is the fertile ground where creatures like Musk multiply. We are in the midst of a crossfire of three simultaneous wars: an Economic War unleashed to tighten the screws against the working class; a Territorial War to ensure control, meter by meter, of natural resources and against social mobilizations and protests; and a Cognitive-Media War to anesthetize us and criminalize social struggles and their leaders. Three fires that operate in a combined manner from global financial mafias, the war industry, and the re-edited “communications condor plan” determined to silence the people.

In particular, the cognitive-media war that unfolds on social networks like “X” is an extension of the imperial economic war that is not content with putting its exploitative boot on the necks of the people, as if it were a moral triumph of all humanity, operated from imperial centers with vernacular aids.

This has been the purpose of Musk’s business, imposing induced addictions for the consumerism of their “ideologies.” It is a double articulation of dependence that surpasses national powers (many of them do not pay taxes, do not respect laws, and do not respect identities) while offering support to local operations where the balance of capital is tipped against labor.

Our technological dependence in communication is astonishing and very dangerous. The enormous danger of being exposed to psychopathic magnates who own global commercial communication, like Musk, is clear.

And yet, against all odds and many pessimistic forecasts, the people fight from very diverse fronts and in asymmetric conditions. With victorious experiences, in more than one sense, but an urgent and major self-critical review is necessary. Enlightened in the media battle, even in what we can’t imagine, we go with our “communicational practices” combating bourgeois whims and vices wholesale.

We fight and resist the enormous onslaught of illusionism, fetishism, and mercantilism with which the ideology of the ruling class shakes us daily, which has hypnotized many and turned them into parrots capable of happily repeating hegemonic models. It is vital to safeguard ourselves, all of us. The enemies of the people are showing their faces and their weapons. We will also say it on “X.”

Autor: Fernando Buen Abad

Fuente: teleSUR

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