Panamanians Oppose Open-Pit Copper Mining Project

The sign reads, “What Panama needs to extract is corruption.” X/ @DefenzaCiudad
March 24, 2025 Hour: 10:38 am
In 2023, the Supreme Court declared the copper extraction contract unconstitutional.
On Sunday, Panamanians gathered at the Cinta Costera to protest against a potential copper project that would represent the largest open-pit mining operation in Central America.
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Previously, Panamanian President Jose Mulino ignored the ruling issued by the Supreme Court of Justice, which declared the copper concentrate extraction contract unconstitutional. Issued in late 2023, the court decision halted government negotiations with the company First Quantum Minerals regarding the resumption of operations at a deposit located on the Caribbean coast.
Under the slogan “Panama is worth more without mining,” about 40 social organizations called on citizens to demonstrate that opposition to the mining project is not coming from just “a handful of people,” as President Mulino disparagingly stated.
“The gold of Panama is green” was another phrase that defined the protest, recalled Chalina Batista, a biologist from the organization “Adopta Bosque,” who participated in the citizen mobilization.
“The people are aware that the greatest resources are not found in mining exploitation, which, in turn, pollutes the environment,” she emphasized, noting that there is no way to carry out mining extraction without causing contamination.
“This is probably a business for a few entrepreneurs and interested parties, but it will leave behind destroyed forests, lost biodiversity, and compromised soil, air, and water.”
On Sunday, protesters also celebrated World Water Day, which for the first time in the country had reached a level of significance for the Panamanian people, given that there is no water throughout the city. Due to the water shortage, the citizens’ right to a healthy environment has gained more visibility, Batista stressed, demanding a healthy environment for the enjoyment of future generations.
At present, environmental audits and a closure plan remain pending, which were supposed to follow the second unconstitutionality ruling accumulated by the company, which expressed its joy at the prospect of the government establishing a dialogue.
teleSUR/ JF
Sources: SWI – teleSUR