Peru: Forest fires leave 15 dead and 98 wounded so far this year

Fires around the forest areas of Peru, sept 2024 Photo: EFE
September 17, 2024 Hour: 4:51 pm
Although it rains in certain areas of the forest, these rainfall will not be sufficient to stop the fires.
The coordinator of the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN), Martín del Castillo, reported that forest fires have been recorded in 22 regions of Peru so far this year, causing 15 deaths and 98 injuries.
Peru: Goverment Detects 87 Forest Fires Since August and 49 are Still Active
Del Castillo highlighted that 233 forest fires have been recorded during the year, which has led to environmental emergencies. Of these, 32 are still operational, 179 have been extinguished and 23 are under control.
The official reported that Amazonas is the area most affected by active fires with nine occurrences, followed by San Martín with six and Áncash with four.
The NBCC coordinator reported that the disasters destroyed 1,485 hectares of crops and caused additional damage of 1,264 hectares. Livestock: 334 animals lost and 4,347 animals damaged.
Finally, he indicated that the fire has destroyed 2,257 hectares of natural cover (trees and pastures) and destroyed another 2,148 hectares.
Del Castillo warned that while rain is expected in certain areas of the forest, this rainfall will not be sufficient to stop wildfires.
«This warning of the Senamhi ends tomorrow and then another dry period begins and that will favor the spread of forest fires. According to the hazard calendar, we are in the period where there is the highest number of forest fires in the year. This starts in late August and ends in October. We are in a time where there is little rain, temperature increases and strong winds, conditions that favor the accidents», he said.
In this regard, he urged local and regional governments to carry out a campaign of awareness to prevent the spread of fires that eventually get out of control.
The director of the National Institute of Civil Defense (Indeci), Juan Carlos Urcariegui, confirmed the damage report reported by COEN. He also mentioned that other entities may handle different figures, but that COEN-Indeci is registered in the Sinpad (National Information System for Response and Rehabilitation).
He said that more than 4,500 people, including members of the Army, Civil Defense personnel, firefighters, police, Serfor workers and trained villagers, have participated in the extinction of forest fires.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: EFE-Andina