Politics Through Bombings Has No Place in Venezuela: President Maduro

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Sept. 26, 2024. X/ @kalberth9

September 26, 2024 Hour: 2:43 pm

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces will defend our people, constitution, democracy, and right to peace, he stressed.

On Thursday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro led the ceremony for the 19th anniversary of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (CEOFANB).


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“Happy Anniversary to the Strategic Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), the heroic and glorious heir to the most beautiful legacy that any army could have!” he said, specifying that the FANB follows in the footsteps of the independence fighters who liberated an entire continent.

“The foundation of our nationality, identity, state, constitution, and independence always had one driving force, one support, and one vital pillar: the Liberating Army, which today is embodied by the Bolivarian National Armed Forces,” Maduro pointed out.

During the ceremony, the Bolivarian leader reiterated that the Venezuelan people and their armed forces will not allow far-right groups to make politics through bombings and create violence in the country.

“Although the empire has its military forces… I can humbly say that Venezuela has military power that will defend its people, our constitution, our democracy, and our right to peace,” Maduro stressed.

He then recalled that Washington and the Venezuelan right-wing have access to media outlets, digital platforms, and social networks to campaign against his country and wage psychological warfare.

“They used mechanisms like WhatsApp for espionage. Many social leaders received threatening messages. It was an operation of psychological terrorism,” Maduro said, referring to the attacks that the Bolivarian nation suffered immediately after the presidential elections of July 28.

teleSUR/ JF Source: VTV – Fuser – Con el Mazo Dando