President Maduro Announces Changes in the Cabinet and Ratifications

Aug 27, 2024 Photo: Prensa Presidencial

August 27, 2024 Hour: 5:25 pm

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced on Tuesday changes in his cabinet as part of the beginning of a great stage of popular self-government.

President Maduro Meets With Venezuelan Communes

“I am sure that we will make the changes Venezuela needs and we will be much better by this path of popular self-government,” he said during the presentation of the balance sheet.

He said that these changes will allow to consolidate peace, sovereignty and unity to follow the path of Venezuela’s integral recovery.


  • The head of state confirmed the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, while pointing out that the revolution is oriented towards a process of deepening and accelerating changes.
  • General Menry Fernández is the new Minister of Productive Agriculture and Lands replacing Wilmar Castro Soteldo, who was in charge for 8 years. Maduro commissioned the Third National Peasant Congress to discuss agricultural policy within the framework of the Great Mission AgroVenezuela.
  • In Tourism appointed the specialist in international tourism, Leticia Gomez, replacing Ali Padrón.
  • In Finance and Foreign Trade, appointed Anabel Pereira Fernández, with Delcy Rodríguez
  • Pedro Tellechea will take over the office of Industries and National Production to carry out its capacity for recovery of mixed public and private industry in the country.
  • Energy and Oil: Delcy Rodríguez replaces Rafael Tellechea. Hector Obregón will be the president of PDVSA.
  • The Youth and Sport office is split, with Grecia Colmenares being appointed to fill this portfolio. In Sports, the position will be held by Arnaldo Sánchez.
  • Eduardo Piñate, current governor of Apure, returns to the Ministry for the Social Process of Labor in place of Alexis Corredor.
  • Magally Viña, the current president of INASS, was appointed to the Ministry for the Care of Grandparents.

More Designations

  • The current governor of Miranda, Héctor Rodríguez, who had already held both positions in 2014, was appointed to the Ministry of People’s Power for Education and the sectoral vice-presidency for Social and Territorial Socialism. Rodriguez replaces Yelitze Santaella.
  • University Education: Ricardo Sánchez was appointed as deputy to replace Sandra Oblitas, who will continue as rector of the Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV).
  • Urban Agriculture is merged with communes.
  • Women and Great Mission Venezuela Woman: Johana Carrillo.
  • The Ministry of People’s Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace (MPPIJP) and Vice-President for La Paz will be in charge of Diosdado Cabello.
  • Attention to the Waters: Carlos Mast Yustiz.
  • Housing and Habitat: General Raúl Paredes replaces Ildemaro Villaroel.
  • Public works: Juan José Ramírez

Ministers ratified

Additionally, ratified other colleagues to “deepen their line of going to the territory”: Juan Carlos Loyo (Aquaculture and Fishing), Héctor Silva (Ecological Mining Development), G/ Carlos Leal Tellería (Food), Tcnel. Luis Villegas (National Trade) and Clara Vidal (Indigenous).

Also ratified Ángel Prado, who also assumes Urban Agriculture, Vladimir Padrino López (Defense), Gerardo Márquez (Electric Energy), Yván Gil (Chancellery), Julio García (Penitentiary) and Aníbal Coronado (Office of the Presidency).

Other authorities who will continue in their posts are: Nahúm Fernández (GDC), Jorge Eliese Márquez (Electric Energy), Ramón Celestino Velásquez Araguayán (Transport), Josué Lorca (Ecosocialism) and Gabriela Jiménez (Science and Technology), Magally Gutiérrez Viña (Health), Ricardo Menéndez (Planning), Ernesto Villegas (Culture), Freddy Ñáñez (Communication).

Democratic Ratifications and International Visits

During the meeting, Maduro referred to the «Blue Book» written by Hugo Chavez in 1990, instructing that all the Venezuelan people receive courses on this text. The president explained that the processes of organization and social empowerment take time: «A fair and correct idea to build a new democracy will always need time for its explanation and development».

The president also received leaders of the Land-Free Movement of Brazil, comparing its meaning with that of Ezequiel Zamora in Venezuela. In addition, he received a book from Daniel Jadue, whom he considers to be «political prisoner of the government of Gabriel Boric».

President Nicolás Maduro concluded the event by reaffirming his commitment to what he calls the Bolivarian revolution, emphasizing the direct participation of the people in decision-making and government management as fundamental pillars of this new «People’s self-government».

Autor: CC

Fuente: teleSURtv-Radio Miraflores

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