President Maduro Annouce the Captur of the Perpetrators of the Crime Against Venezuelan Leaders

President Maduro during the Meeting of the Great Patriotic Pole, Aug 19, 2024 Photo: Prensa Presidencial

August 19, 2024 Hour: 6:23 pm

All the intellectual and material authors are captured, and these two crimes were committed by the comanditos,

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, reported that the intellectual and material perpetrators of the crime against the leaders Mayauri Coromoto Silva Vielma of the State of Aragua and Cirila Isabel Gil, Bolivar State are already captured.

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“All the intellectual and material authors are captured, and these two crimes were committed by the comanditos, although news agencies and social networks keep it quiet, two crimes committed by fascism,” he said.

President Maduro also pointed out that these belong to the fascism “of Edmundo González Urrutia and María <<Fascist>> Machado, Maria <<Violence>> Machado (…) It is no longer just about reading a book on the phenomenon of fascism”.

“It is no longer a question of seeing the fascist experiences we have known in history, we can say: I know what fascism is, I know how they hate them, I know their violence, I know their intolerance, I know their ego, I know their contempt for them and her. I know, because I lived it,” he said.

In this regard, the Head of State paid tribute to and declared these two women martyrs of the Bolivarian Revolution of the twenty-first century.

“Honor and glory, and may God have you in his glory. Women, martyrs of the Bolivarian Revolution! I ask for the most sublime tributes to them as martyrs of this Antifascist Revolution”, he instructed.

The Dignitary revealed that these actions were the first step in the attempted assault on the Miraflores Palace on July 30, aimed to generate fear and demobilization, but the response of the people in a Civic-Military Union frustrated the attack.

“They intended that the threat and terror imposed by fear and popular demobilization, in some places they managed to temporarily demobilize the popular forces, but basically this people who is rebellious was raised up against them and reacted progressively,” he said.

In this line, he detailed that “on Tuesday, July 30, they were planning a violent assault in Miraflores and the arrival of more than 20,000 compatriots from Catia, Lídice, El Valle, Coche, Petare who arrived marching at four o’clock in the afternoon, I was working inside the Miraflores Palace. – The people saved us from a coup, which you will know, which we managed to dissipate that same day, they did not expect 20 thousand patriots and revolutionaries to arrive”.

President Maduro also detailed that not only the Bolivarian forces were attacked in a harsh manner, but also passers-by, artists among others were assaulted.

“That’s why I call cyber, fascist and criminal coup. Because they used criminals, is trying to convert in vain criminals, convicts, confessed, with records that we captured drugged, armed, who attacked, killed and destroyed and burned the country in political persecution, They are using Luis Almagro and the putrefied OAS, they are using a hackneyed, discredited, decadent ICC. We know that film and it doesn’t work with Venezuela”, he said.

Autor: CC

Fuente: Prensa Presidencial