President Maduro Introduces the 7T Strategy

Another highlight of the event was the inauguration of the Bubuqui Photovoltaic Farm in Alberto Adriani municipality, Mérida state, demonstrating the government’s efforts to diversify energy sources and promote sustainability. Jan 27, 2025 Photo: VTV
January 27, 2025 Hour: 7:22 pm
The president also announced the unification of the Venezuela Bella and Juntos Todo es Posible Missions, aiming to build public spaces that promote citizens’ enjoyment and recreation.
President Maduro Activates the Second “T” of the Plan of the Seven Transformations
This Monday, President Nicolás Maduro Moros inaugurated the second “T” of the Plan of the Seven Transformations (7T), centered on the “Human City for Good Living.”
During the ceremony, it was announced that the new La Guaira state Cable Car system will have three stations, one of which will be named Gran Cacique Guaicamacuto in honor of the country’s cultural heritage.
In his speech, Maduro called on all police forces, armed forces, and Corpoelec workers to safeguard the country’s electrical installations, highlighting that these have been targeted by terrorist groups seeking to destabilize national peace. “It is essential to protect our infrastructure to ensure the well-being of our people,” he said.
The president also announced the unification of the Venezuela Bella and Juntos Todo es Posible Missions, aiming to build public spaces that promote citizens’ enjoyment and recreation.
“We are committed to the integral development of our nation and will work hand in hand with the private sector to advance this mission,” he added.
Another highlight of the event was the inauguration of the Bubuqui Photovoltaic Farm in Alberto Adriani municipality, Mérida state, demonstrating the government’s efforts to diversify energy sources and promote sustainability.
President Maduro also indicated that the third transformation of the plan will be led by a new artificial intelligence system called 1×10 of good government, which will include a national room for popular self-government. “This system will enable us to strengthen citizen participation and improve public management,” he said.
With these announcements, the Bolivarian government reaffirms its commitment to Venezuela’s social and economic transformation, always seeking the well-being and active participation of its people in national development.
Autor: MLM
Fuente: VTV