President Maduro: Reflections on Venezuelan Sovereignty in Times of U.S. Elections

November 4, 2024 Hour: 9:08 pm

This assertion underscores a stance of resistance against foreign intervention and a call for national self-determination. In his speech, the president made it clear that the direction of the country should not be subject to decisions made in Washington.


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In a context marked by uncertainty and international tensions, President Nicolas Maduro’s statements provide insight into how events in the North can impact Venezuela.

In the context of the United States presidential elections, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, during the transmission of ConMaduro+, has raised his voice to share his perspective on the political situation in his country.

Maduro emphasized that, regardless of who is elected—whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris—Venezuela must not allow “failed” policies and the “extremism of Venezuelan oligarchies” to influence its destiny again.

This assertion underscores a stance of resistance against foreign intervention and a call for national self-determination. In his speech, the president made it clear that the direction of the country should not be subject to decisions made in Washington.

One of the most provocative points in his statements was the criticism of the idea that U.S. intervention could bring prosperity to Venezuela. Maduro posed a rhetorical question: “Can you name a single country that has been intervened by the United States and is better off?”

By citing examples such as Afghanistan and Libya, the president seeks to illustrate the devastating effects that intervention can have on nations, suggesting that recent history does not offer an encouraging precedent.

This speech fits within a broader narrative about sovereignty and national identity.

For President Maduro, the future of Venezuela does not lie in external hands, but rather in the work and effort of its own people. By stating that “the destiny of our people depends on our hands,” the president appeals to a sense of unity and collective responsibility, urging Venezuelans to take control of their own fate.

Autor: MLM

Fuente: Con Maduro+