President Nicolás Maduro Denounces Violent Acts Perpetrated by the Far Right in Venezuela

President Maduro accompained by the Vicepresident of PSUV, Diosdado Cabello and the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino, July 29, 2024 Photo: @PresidencialVE

July 29, 2024 Hour: 9:26 pm

«We have witnessed a series of events, more than 100 violent terrorist attacks»

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro denounced on Monday the acts of violence as part of the attempted coup d’état in the country, The Venezuelan extreme right, in view of the non-recognition of the electoral results.

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«We have witnessed a series of events, more than 100 violent terrorist attacks», he stressed while blaming the extreme right for these attacks.

“This is the result of a plan I’ve been reporting. They participated to use the electoral campaign and make the commandos to articulate criminal groups”, said Maduro, who denounced that the US government is behind this plan.

“Behind this plan are the gringos. They have always been there. Before, during and after Guaidó. Made in USA. They are plans and they lived this plan working it out”. “Using the electoral process to hurt you. They live on permanent damage. This group is a fascist group, a violent, fascist and criminal counterrevolution”, he said.

The president noted that almost 90 percent of those captured are in high drug addiction and have weapons, while said that they have turned instructions to go search and capture groups.

They are largely criminal groups, with precise orders where to attack. They are trying to take this point to start a guarimba escalation and we will not allow it”, stressed Nicolás Maduro.

The Venezuelan leader warned that some people are unaware “that these people have a violent plan, a so-called revolution of colors again, a conspiracy and an escalation of violence to go kill people: to chase, burn people alive, beat».

He also said that they know the “operandis mode” with which the right acts, recalling that it is the one “has been used for the April 2002 coup d’état, for the first guarimba of 2004, for the actions of Capriles after the elections and for the guarimbas of 2014”.

Nicolás Maduro said that “he is obliged as head of state and leader to speak to the people with truth”.

On the other hand, he said that the right did everything “possible to have the elections suspended”. According to Nicolás Maduro, to achieve this, yesterday “they attacked fiercely at two strategic points of the electrical system for a blackout at 12 noon and 8 pm”.

“They burned the election materials, they burned the vehicles. All of them are going to be captured, and then don’t say that they’re political prisoners. And we know the material authors,” said the dignitary.

He also said that “they burned the public transport of Transcaracas. They came with all their hatred”. The Nazis chasing the socialists, he stressed.

“The plan was known before, during and after 28 July, because the extreme right did everything possible for a violent scenario of advanced sabotage of public services as light and cause the suspension of elections”, said Nicolas Maduro.

With the question of what they would be able to do if they won the elections? , Nicolás Maduro pointed out that the world’s extreme right has staged a coup d’état against Venezuela.

“The extreme right is not a political party but a reactionary group. Fascism is contempt for national values. The Indian of Coromoto desecrated it. “Hit the symbols,” he stressed.

Autor: CC

Fuente: teleSURtv

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