President of Nicaragua Demands an End to Imperialist Invasions

April 24, 2024 Hour: 9:11 pm

Nicaragua’s President, Daniel Ortega, demanded the cessation of imperialist invasions on earth and condemned the atrocities of genocide, crimes and invasions in the international context, during his speech at the XXIII Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Countries of Our America- Peoples Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP).


Bolivian President Luis Arce Calls for Peace and Unity

“We share the condemnation and what calls we can make, how many calls have not been made, so that the invasions of the imperialists of the earth cease. Because outrage over outrage, crime over crime, genocide over genocide, invasions, occupations, atomic bombs, the only power in the world that has dropped atomic bombs,” said the president.

He said that despite the constant calls for peace and the end of threats and blockades, the powers continue to intensify their aggression.

“The empire acts totally disrespectful of world opinion and the American people, and much of the people of Israel who are against these crimes,” and denounced the veto of the United States (USA) to the Security Council where the resolution would be adopted that would recognize Palestine as a member state of the United Nations (UN).

 The text reads, 

People of the world will continue to fight against the imperialism

“Accompanying this vote of approval of thousands and billions of dollars to continue the war against the Palestinian people, what they call war, is rather genocide, and equally funds for Taiwan, funds for the Ukrainian regime. That is, funds for death, funds for war,” he said.

In this regard, he stressed that the funds earmarked for war and death by the US. inflames the hearts of the people in general, as well as the very American people who are also in need.

The Nicaraguan president also urged the members of ALBA-TCP to follow the example of Augusto César Sandino, who “met with a group of workers, miners, and invited them to take the battle against the Yankee invaders” to start the battle.

 The text reads, 

The President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, took a look at some of the crimes that the United States continues to commit, in its endless attack against Venezuela and sister countries.

“Here, like Sandino, we are peoples, nations, women, men, and young people, who we tell the imperialists of the earth that no one here surrenders, here we do not sell or surrender and we will continue the battle for peace and for the unity of the Latin American and Caribbean peoples, and the peoples of the world,” he said.

The Head of State also called for a work plan that allows the implementation of various initiatives “to go ahead with the different proposals of the ALBA delegates”.

In this regard, he specified that it is necessary to organize a work plan that includes the approaches made, related to the struggle for peace and the unity of the peoples of Latin America.

“We are in a battle where the imperialists of the earth try to undermine, try to undermine, try to penetrate to destroy Latin American unity. We already knew it, we already know it, but the instruments that the imperialists have, with the Nazi-fascist in Argentina and the other Nazi-fascist in Ecuador, and others that are going around, the people will pass the bill to them,” he stressed.

He also recalled the ties that united his country with Cuba that were strengthened when the struggle against the tyranny of Somoza in Nicaragua was being waged. At the same time, he recalled that thanks to the ties of brotherhood of Cuba and Venezuela, with commanders Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, different joint projects were carried out such as Operation Miracle, where Nicaragua had participation.

As for ALBA-TCP, the head of state thanked Hugo Chávez, the peoples of Cuba and Venezuela, for uniting wills for the birth of the Alliance two decades ago.

“We will continue the battle for peace and for the unity of the Latin American and Caribbean peoples, and the peoples of the world,” concluded the Nicaraguan leader.

Autor: teleSUR/ OSG


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