Republicans Win US Senate, According to Projections by AP and Fox News

People attend the Nevada Republican Party watch party at the Ahern Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 05 November 2024. Photo: EFE/EPA/CAROLINE BREHMAN
November 6, 2024 Hour: 1:26 am
The Republican Party has snatched control of the US Senate from the Democrats in Tuesday’s legislative elections after four years in opposition, according to projections by the Associated Press (AP) and Fox News.
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Republicans have won at least two seats that were previously in Democratic hands-West Virginia and Ohio-enough to turn the upper house They aspire to full control of the Legislature if they can get their majority in the House of Representatives revalidated.
In the Senate, Democrats left with a weak 51-49 majority in the 2022 legislative election, with the advantage that vice president and candidate Kamala Harris swung the balance in favor of Democrats when there was a legislative tie.
Every two years, the US Senate renews one third of its members. The 34-seat map at stake this Tuesday was especially difficult for Democrats as they had to defend seats in conservative states and ‘hinges’.
In addition to the lost seats in West Virginia and Ohio, Republicans also aspire to win Democratic seats in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada or Wisconsin, states where the count is now underway.
For their part, the Republicans have managed to retain the few seats that were at risk, such as Nebraska and Texas, and now they must seek a leader for their new majority in the Senate, since the so far head of the Conservatives, Mitch McConnell, announced months ago that he would step down as leader.
Autor: ACJ
Fuente: EFE // AP