Right-wing EPP Wins EU Parliament Elections and Calls on Other Pro-European Factions To Form Coalition

Stage in the European Parliament headquarters in Brussels announcing the elections results. Photo: EFE/EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
June 9, 2024 Hour: 7:10 pm
The European People’s Party (EPP) won the European Parliament (EP) elections on Sunday and will remain the Parliament’s first force with 191 seats, according to the projected seats published by the European Parliament, already based on provisional results and some surveys.
The Alliance of European Socialists and Democrats (S&D) will be the second largest group in the EP with 135 MEPs, while the Renewing Europe liberals will win 83 seats. The three main pro-European groups would therefore gain an absolute majority of 404 seats for a 720-seat European Parliament.
Group of the Greens/European FreeAlliance with 53 seats will fall sharply to sixth in front of the fourth in the previous chamber, while the smallest group in the European Parliament will remain the Left, which today scored 36 seats.
For their part, the Social Democrats, Green Liberals in the EP showed their willingness to join a pro-European coalition with the European People’s Party if it does not make concessions to the ultra-conservative groups (Conservatives and Reformists) and extreme right wing (Identity and Democracy Group).
In view of these preliminary results the vice-president of the social democratic group in the EP, the Portuguese Pedro Marques, stressed that the result points “clearly” to a pro-European democratic majority and stressed that his group will be key to ensuring that this majority is re-edited.
The President of the European Commission and EPP candidate for re-election, Ursula Von der Leyen, this Sunday extended her hand to the other pro-European groups to form a legislative majority for the new Community mandate. ” We have built the necessary bridges and worked together with like-minded people who have the same goals and share our goals,” the German Christian Democrat said at a hearing in Brussels.
“This platform (among the popular, social democrats and liberals) has worked well, reliably, constructively and effectively and that is why in the first step I will approach the social democrats and liberals, leave me this first step and then I will do the second”said the 65-year-old candidate.
Autor: ACJ
Fuente: EFE // AFP