Russia to Retaliate if UK-Made Weapons Attack Its Territory

May 23, 2024 Hour: 1:57 pm

On Thursday, Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated that Moscow will attack British targets if Ukraine uses British weapons to attack Russian territory.


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“In response to strikes using British weapons against the territory of our country, we may strike any British military objects and weaponry in Ukraine and beyond,” she warned.

Moscow first issued this warning in early May after British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said that Ukraine had the right to use weapons provided by London to attack targets inside Russia.

Russian authorities reacted with indignation to that comment and cited it as one of the reasons why it has chosen to carry out exercises this month to simulate the launch of tactical nuclear missiles.

On Thursday, the Russian diplomat described the European Union’s decision to use her country’s assets as an “attempt to legitimize theft.”

More specifically, Zakharova referred to the EU decision to use frozen Russian assets worth US$300 billion to buy arms for the Ukrainian regime.

“Is this the first time the collective West has done this? Of course not, but this once again confirms that the European Union can no longer be considered as a reliable legal entity for foreign investors, whose investments can be confiscated or looted at any moment under one pretext or another,” she stressed, as reported by AA agency.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: La Republica - Knightsbridge - AA

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