Somalia: New UN mission Begins Operations

African UN Soldiers, Oct 2024 Photo: Somali Magazine
November 1, 2024 Hour: 9:05 pm
The UNTMIS was established following the UN Security Council’s adoption of resolution 2753 (2024) on Wednesday, which was in line with the request of the Somali government.
On Friday, the United Nations Transitional Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNTMIS) began operations in the country, succeeding the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), a UN official said.
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UN Secretary-General’s Acting Special Representative for Somalia James Swan reaffirmed the world body’s commitment to the government and people of Somalia in building a strong country and a better future.
“We look forward to working together as partners throughout this planned two-year transitional mission, as Somalia further reinforces national ownership and self-reliance,” Swan said in a statement issued in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia.
The UNTMIS was established following the UN Security Council’s adoption of resolution 2753 (2024) on Wednesday, which was in line with the request of the Somali government.
In the resolution, the Security Council established the UNTMIS with a focus on priority areas critical to Somalia’s needs.
The UNTMIS said that from the start of its mandate, it will undertake a phased transition of functions to Somali institutions, the United Nations country team, and other stakeholders.
Other priorities of the UNTMIS include supporting Somalia in the area of state-building including the constitutional review process and efforts to conduct free and fair elections, promotion and protection of human rights, rule of law, justice, corrections and security sector support.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: DW-The Star