Tag: Decree

Argentine Senate Debates Milei’s Necessity & Urgency Decree
On Thursday, the Argentine Senate begin debating the “Necessity & Urgency Decree” (DNU) through which President Javier Milei seeks to deregulate the economy. RELATED: Intense Rains Alert Buenos Aires and Other Argentine Cities The plenary session was convened by the Senate President Victoria Villarruel, who is also the country’s vice president. She agreed to include the debate […]
March 14, 2024

Javier Milei Repeals Decree Increasing Presidential Salary
The government of the Argentinian President Javier Milei repealed a strongly criticised decree that seeks to incresing his and Senators salary, official sources reported late this Saturday. RELATED: Government of Argentina Announces Intransigence Respect to Layoffs “The increases to the hierarchical staff of the National Public Administration, including president, vice president, ministers and secretaries, are […]
March 10, 2024

Argentine Judges Temporarily Suspend Milei’s Labor Reform
On Wednesday, the National Appeals Chamber of Labor temporarily suspended the labor reform included in the decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) signed by Argentine President Javier Milei on December 20. RELATED: Argentine Workers to Hold a Day of Struggle on January 15th Judges Andrea Garcia Vior and Alejandro Sudera issued a precautionary measure requested […]