Tag: Retirees

Argentine President Milei Reduces Drug Coverage for Retirees
In practice, this measure implies the elimination of the ‘Live Better’ plan, which was created in 2020. On Monday, the Comprehensive Medical Care Program (PAMI) announced that five medications will no longer be fully covered by the Argentine state for retirees, except for those citizens eligible for the so-called “Social Subsidy.” RELATED: Argentine Judges Uphold […]
December 2, 2024

Argentinean Retirees Prepare New Mobilization Despite Violent Repression
After the repression they suffered in the last call by the Federal Police with gas and sticks, retirees and social movements organize a mobilization to reject the presidential veto on provisional reform next Wednesday. RELATED: “Milei Is Building a Colonial State, He Is Surrendering Argentina to Imperialism”: President Maduro Dennounce The protest, scheduled for next […]