Tag: Segunda Marquetalia

Venezuela Welcomes Colombian State-Segunda Marquetalia Peace Talks
The Bolivarian government reiterated its commitment to the consolidation of Latin America as a peace zone. On Monday, the Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yvan Gil issued a statement congratulating the Caracas-based peace dialogue process between the Colombian state and the Second Marquetalia guerrilla. RELATED: Venezuela Hosts Colombian State-Segunda Marquetalia Peace Dialogue During this week, representatives […]
June 24, 2024

Venezuela Hosts Colombian State-Segunda Marquetalia Peace Dialogue
Venezuela, Cuba, and Norway act as guarantors of the peace negotiations with the support of the United Nations On Monday, the delegations from the Colombian state and the Segunda Marquetalia guerrilla formally established the negotiation table for the first cycle of peace talks. RELATED: Colombia and FARC Dissidents To Begin Peace Negotiations The delegations are […]
June 24, 2024

Colombia and FARC Dissidents To Begin Peace Negotiations
Their agenda will include issues such as the de-escalation of the conflict and the construction of peace territories. On Tuesday, the Colombian government and the Second Marquetalia, the dissident faction of the FARC led by Ivan Marquez, announced that they will begin the first cycle of peace negotiations in Caracas. RELATED: Colombia: Vice-President for Legal […]
June 5, 2024

Colombian State and Segunda Marquetalia Start Peace Process
On Friday, the Colombian government and the “Second Marquetalia,” a dissident group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), announced the beginning of peace negotiations. RELATED: Colombian Teachers March in Support of President Petro “We agree on the need to carry out an orderly, agile, rigorous, and respectful peace process, which provides tranquility and […]