WHO Calls for Intensified Surveillance of Avian Influenza

Birds as a main vector of H5N1, Photo: @RudeMood7

June 12, 2024 Hour: 9:32 pm

In recent years, H5N1 has spread widely among wild birds, poultry and terrestrial and marine mammals on several continents.

The World Health Organization (WHO) urged this Wednesday to intensify surveillance of influenza viruses in animals worldwide, in order to detect in time any element that may pose a danger to humans.


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“In recent years, H5N1 has spread widely among wild birds, poultry and land and marine mammals on several continents,” WHO reported.

He also specified that avian influenza H5N1 continues to be widespread in livestock in the United States (USA).

«In the last five weeks, the number of dairy herds affected has almost tripled to 92 in 12 states, the number of human cases has increased from one to three and the number of people monitored has more than doubled to 500», he said.

WHO also recommended that “anyone working with infected animals, in any country, should have access to and use personal protective equipment”.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesu stressed that collaboration, communication and information exchange between animal and human health sectors are essential in all countries”.

The entity continues to assess the danger to public health as low, since the virus has not spread easily in people.

“Early medical care and support and thorough and timely investigation of each human infection are essential to evaluate and stop possible human-to-human transmission,” said WHO.

Autor: CC

Fuente: WHO-UN