IACHR Calls for the Immediate Lifting of US Sanctions Against Venezuela

April 26, 2024 Hour: 5:01 pm

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) demands the lifting of US sanctions against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

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The UN rapporteur, Alena Douhan, after her visit to Venezuela in 2021, presented a report in which she highlighted, “sectoral sanctions have no normative basis in international law and have worsened the situation of people in vulnerable situations”.

Despite not belonging to this body, the IACHR, after 3 years without a response, the autonomous body of the OAS, in a report presented this Thursday declared, “the IACHR reiterates its call for (the sanctions) to be lifted”.

According to the president of the Venezuelan Parliament, from 2015 to 2023, 962 sanctions of various kinds were imposed, which date, the oldest, from 2015, during the term of President Barack Obama.


 The text reads, 

Immense and tremendous mobilization of the people of Biscucuy, in the Portuguesa state, against the criminal sanctions imposed by imperialism against Venezuela. Here is a people united in favor of recovery, growth and defending the entire country.

On the other hand, the first economic sanctions date back to 2017, imposed by the US Treasury Department on orders of former President Donald Trump.

Recently the United States reactivated the criminal sanctions against the Bolivarian nation, in order to destabilize the electoral climate in Caracas.

The US government’s terrorist sanctions against Venezuela have caused countless losses to the Venezuelan economy, Foreign Minister Yvan Gil has reiterated the firmness of the Bolivarian people in the face of sanctions, stating that Venezuela will move forward with or without sanctions.

Executive Vice President Delcy Rodriguez also launched an anti-sanctions campaign declaring, “This demand must cover our entire homeland and must become the unique voice of Venezuela, of the productive sectors, of the business sectors, of the workers, of our women, of our elderly, of all, to definitively remove from Venezuela this evil that has caused so much damage to our people and the economy”.

Autor: teleSUR/ OSG

Fuente: teleSUR