WFP: 1.6 Million Syrians are at Risk of Being Displaced

Destroyed signals in the City of Damascus, Nov 2024 Photo: Al Mayadeen

December 9, 2024 Hour: 2:45 pm

Cindy McCain, Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP), has made an urgent call to raise $250 million to prevent millions more people in Syria from falling into extreme poverty and hunger. During her statement, McCain highlighted that over 1.6 million people are at risk of being displaced within the country, adding to the hundreds of thousands who have already been forced to flee due to the ongoing conflict.

“The time to act is NOW: lives are at stake,” McCain warned, emphasizing the severity of the humanitarian situation in Syria. Despite the escalating violence and instability, WFP staff continue to provide vital assistance to affected communities.

According to data provided by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), at least 117.3 million people worldwide have been forced to leave their homes. Of this number, nearly 43.4 million are refugees, and approximately 40% are under 18 years old. The majority of displaced persons fall between the ages of 18 and 59.

The crisis is not limited to Syria; it is also rapidly deepening in Lebanon, where WFP reports that 23% of the population (equivalent to 1.26 million people) faces acute hunger. This situation underscores the urgent need for humanitarian support and resources to address growing food needs and protect the fundamental rights of displaced individuals.

Additionally, it is estimated that one in every 69 people on the planet has been forced to flee, while millions of stateless individuals face denial of nationality and access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, employment, and freedom of movement.

WFP calls on the international community to act swiftly and generously in response to this unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

Autor: OSG