Participation in Municipal Elections in Libya Exceeds 74%

A man voting during Libya’s local elections on Saturday. Photo: Facebook: High National Elections Commission

November 16, 2024 Hour: 4:57 pm

The turnout at the municipal elections held on Saturday in Libya, without security incidents, exceeded 74%, a rate rated “high” by the National High Electoral Commission (HNEC).


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“The initial proportion of voters was 74% as the screening and counting process continues and the scheduling process begins tomorrow at UNHCR headquarters,” the HNEC said.

Municipal elections in Libya are held in two phases, this first includes 29 municipalities in the western region, 12 in the eastern region and 17 in the south, both of the area administered by the Government of National Unity (GUN) of Tripoli as of the one controlled by the parallel Executive, under the tutelage of Marshal Jalifa Haftar.

Abdulhakim al Shaab, a member of the aforementioned electoral commission reported that the counting, grading and statistics process has already started in all polling stations after they closed their doors at 18:00 local time (20:00 GMT).

Preliminary results will be announced in two or three days while the final ones will be revealed after the appeal stage, which according to the law lasts 21 days, he added.

On the other hand, the head of the Government of National Unity (GUN), Abdulhamid Dbeiba, confirmed after the close of the polls that the “success” of the electoral process, “Smoothly and safely, it represents a further response to calls for the imposition of new transitional stages as a condition for holding elections”.

“The Libyans who use today’s ballot boxes to choose who will manage their municipalities’ affairs are the same people who can elect their legislative and executive leaders through them. Those who are obstructing this popular will are those who seek to extend their mandate by not issuing fair and enforceable electoral laws,” he said.

Fuente: EFE // Agenzia Nova // @LYHnec