The Bolivarian Revolution is Part of Our Memory: PM Gonsalves

February 2, 2024 Hour: 10:31 am

On February 2, 2024, Venezuelans celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution established by Commander Hugo Chavez after his resounding victory in the presidential elections of December 6, 1998.


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Regarding this anniversary, St. Vicente & the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves sent a greeting of solidarity to the Bolivarian nation that is presented below:

“From the trenches of regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the struggle against imperialism, here in St. Vincent & the Grenadines, we, the government and the people of this blessed land, salute the government and people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the 25th anniversary of the induction of President Hugo Chavez, the eternal commander, into the Presidency after his electoral triumph a few months before.

The 2nd of February 1999, is etched in our collective memories. On that day, a new phase of integration in Latin America and the Caribbean, a new phase of imperialism, and a new feeling of struggle for freedom and justice on behalf of the poor, the working people, and the marginalized, started in Venezuela.

We celebrate the life and work of Hugo Chavez. But it’s not just our comrade Hugo whom we celebrate. It is the entire Venezuelan people, all the Bolivarians of Latin America and the Caribbean. We have to thank for this immense opening, which has been continued by President Nicolas Maduro and the Bolivarians in Venezuela, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

I am looking forward very much to March 1st to host President Nicolas Maduro and the rest of the CELAC, the 33 member states of this important regional body, which Hugo Chavez was instrumental with others in its establishing. St. Vincent & the Grenadines host the CELAC Summit on the first of March.

We will continue to carry on the work initiated by Chavez and comrade Fidel, reaching back to Simon Bolivar, for a deeper integration in our Latin American and Caribbean civilization.

Today is a day of joy. We rejoice in it. We are happy for this day. And I send my love to the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

We have faith and a fresh hope, morning by morning, they will see what we see. All we need is a hand that extends gratitude and loyalty.

Through the hand of God, we work here on earth to make this hemisphere, this world, a better place for peace, security, prosperity, and sustainable development for all, not just for a handful of people in rich countries, not only for a handful of people wedded to monopolistic capitalism and imperialism, but for all people on earth.

A wonderful day. Congratulations again.”

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: Foreign Affairs Ministry