The Investigation on “Havana Syndrome” Is Cancelled by Coercion of Participants

US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, where first “victims” of the so called Havana Syndrome were reported. Photo: X/ @Fernando_FG19
September 1, 2024 Hour: 2:34 pm
The National Institutes of Health informed on Friday that it is stopping its research of the so called “Havana Syndrome”, a rare illness experienced by a series of spies, soldiers and diplomats who have reported sudden debilitating symptoms of unknown origin.
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NIH informed the coercion wasn’t by it own part, rejecting give more information about, and did not elaborate as to who may have forced the participation. The agency specified voluntary consent is a fundamental pillar of ethical conduct in research.
“They wanted us to be a lab rat for a week before we actually got treatment at Walter Reed — and at bare minimum, that is unethical and immoral,” former CIA operations officer Marc Polymeropoulos told CNN in May.
He said he has been sick, is an advocate for those struck by what the US government calls “anomalous health incidents.” In May Polymeropoulos told that he believes that participation in this research was “ordered” by senior leadership at the CIA.
In addition, a 2019 FBI report also released on Friday showed that ailments suffered by members of the U.S. Embassy in Cuba were more likely caused by a “social contagion” than any hostile action taken by the Communist government.
Federal Bureau of Investigations’ report takes an skeptical view about the “syndrome” using the word “victim” in quotation marks to describe people reporting symptoms, said The New York Times, which got the document after a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
CIA officials and diplomats in Cuba first reported symptoms in 2016, complaining of dizziness and nausea, often after hearing a noise or feeling pressure. American spies and diplomats in China, Austria, and other parts of the world also began to report similar symptoms.
U.S. intelligence agencies determined in 2023 a foreign adversary was “very unlikely” to be responsible for the mysterious ailments, not founding any evidence that Russia, Cuba, or China was conducting a campaign by using devices capable of delivering directed energy.
“Based on information available at the time this report was prepared, our analysis indicates several of the ‘victims’ in these cases may have experienced an episode of mass psychogenic illness or social contagion,” a partly redacted sentence in the report stated according to the released by NYT.
Autor: ACJ
Fuente: CNN // The New York Times // Cubadebate // NewsMax