“The U.S. Goverment Has Not Taken a Single Step to Comply with the Agreement of September 2023”: President Maduro Dennounces

President Maduro accompained by the Vice-President Rodriguez and the Chancellor Yvan Gil, Sept 11, 2024 Photo: Prensa Presidencial

September 11, 2024 Hour: 8:54 pm

The violation of this agreement was evident in January 2024 when it was intended in the states of Táchira, Barinas and Portuguesa to carry out destabilizing actions.

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, in the context of the World Congress against Fascism, Neo-fascist and similar expressions, declared this afternoon that the US government has not taken a single step to comply with the agreement of September 2023, instead violates this consensus to “advance in their true plans”.

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Maduró recalled that for Venezuela -since the agreement is public and “everyone knows it” – signed by Jorge Rodríguez, Deputy President of the Bolivarian National Assembly, and by the US government, which he described as “a very corrupt, very nefarious character”: Brayan Nickols.

On that meeting, held in September 2023 in the capital of Qatar, Doha, the president pointed out that the Venezuelan side “largely fulfilled all the steps”, however, the American approval “did not take a step towards the full compliance of the uprising as signed (…) all sanctions and the cessation of comparisons against Venezuela”.

Following this line, the Bolivarian leader stressed that in the global negotiation “the keys of power are moved”, to engeñara and throw “dirt in the eyes of some political actors” and so, underlines the president, they (the Americans and their allies) “Below advance in their true plans”.

The violation of this agreement was evident in January 2024 when it was intended in the states of Táchira, Barinas and Portuguesa to carry out destabilizing actions, using “a set of military units”.

Support fascism and right-wing extremist policies

“They intended a violent movement that would mark 2024 with a time of turmoil with a double objective: to say Venezuela is in a great violent and armed confrontation and a second objective: to raise social sectors that support fascism and the extremist policies of the right”, said Maduro.

However, the president explains that thanks to “popular intelligence” and “military” of Venezuela allowed all those involved in this type of terrorist actions were captured and that immediately revealed the plans, Allowing the Venezuelan institutions to avoid a succession that would have “shocked the life of our people” and the world “quite severe”.

After mentioning the different strategies against the democratic process of July 28, where the 100% adherence to constitutionality was maintained all the time, Nicolás Maduro stressed that, after observing the debate, he ensures that this moment in US policy. It shows the “state of decay” in which the “American political elite” is found.

The candidacies for next November elections “have nothing to do with the 21st century that people of the world aspire to,” he says, adding that it does not even come close to “the aspirations of Americans themselves” who seek a prosperous country but which respects the nations of the world.

Robustness of the Venezuelan economy

During the International Congress against Fascism, Neofascism, the president of Venezuela stated that the Venezuelan economy has become robust, with a productive model of its own.

The economy has developed robustly and Venezuela will continue its process of building its own production model, with economic growth, low inflation, and recovery of social rights.

In highlighting the harsh economic situation that the country was going through, the president indicated that “a country that lost 99 percent of its income” refused to surrender and had a plan at each stage of resistance.

“A country that saw 80 percent of the shortage in its streets,” said the president, while specifying that the nation resisted “eating sardines that were produced by artisanal fishermen and not produced by transnational corporations or monopolies”.

By pointing out that the natural products produced in the country and were consumed by Venezuelans, including mango, are now also being exported to countries such as China and Turkey.

The truth of Venezuela is in the neighborhoods of Venezuela and “in the depth of a people that knew how to resist” with an inflation in 2019 of 344,000 percent, said the president, besides pointing out “the 930 missiles that we launched with economic sanctions”.

When reflecting on who won if we evaluate the hostility of the years 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, Maduro said that the brave people of Venezuela against economic war, US imperialism, the European Union, the Lima Group.

The president stressed that the construction of violence against Venezuela “had as its main instrument social networks. That’s why the battle in the framework of symbolic, cultural,” he said.

A people who knew how to reinvent themselves, stressed the president, while saying that now the battlefield was not the economy, when they manipulated hiding products or shooting up prices, or when they made a thousand maneuvers of the exchange system.

Recognizing that “today the battlefield was the field of communication, playing a decisive role in inserting hatred and intolerance and the values of fascism,” Nicolás Maduro reaffirmed that bots are at the service of the right.

Maduro warned that social networks are a decisive factor in embedding values into society.

Autor: CC

Fuente: teleSURtv