Venezuela and Sputnik: A New Chapter in Media Cooperation

The agreement not only provides for the exchange of content but also for the training of communicators in new technologies. Nov 26, 2024 Photo: VTV Canal8
November 26, 2024 Hour: 6:11 pm
The signing of the agreement also included the presence of the Russian ambassador to Venezuela, Sergei Melik-Bagdasarov, and Daria Yuryeva, head of Sputnik’s Latin America department.
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In a strategic move to strengthen bilateral communication, the Ministry of People’s Power for Communication and Information of Venezuela has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Russian Sputnik News Agency. This agreement, sealed in Caracas, seeks to facilitate the exchange of projects and content between the media of both nations.
The Sector Vice President for Communication, Culture, and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez, headed the signing of the agreement together with Olga Lisogor, director of Sputnik. Ñáñez highlighted the importance of diversifying voices in today’s news landscape, which is dominated by a few media oligopolies.
“It is essential to promote true freedom of expression that allows different perspectives to be heard,” he said.
The agreement not only provides for the exchange of content but also for the training of communicators in new technologies. Ñáñez mentioned a workshop on artificial intelligence in journalism that Sputnik is offering, which represents a valuable opportunity for Venezuelan professionals.
“We want this exchange of experiences to be enriching and for Sputnik to be consolidated as a strong medium in Venezuela,” he added.
For her part, Lisogor described the agreement as a milestone in relations between the two countries. She announced plans to open a Sputnik office in Venezuela and start broadcasting radio programs in the country. “This agreement is a significant step for our agency and for cooperation between Russia and Venezuela,” she said.
The signing of the agreement also included the presence of the Russian ambassador to Venezuela, Sergei Melik-Bagdasarov, and Daria Yuryeva, head of Sputnik’s Latin America department.
This agreement joins other recent efforts by the Venezuelan government to establish media alliances, including a memorandum with Telesur and the Russian BRICS TV platform, which reflects a commitment to cultural plurality and unfiltered, unbiased freedom of expression.
With these initiatives, Venezuela seeks not only to diversify its sources of information but also to strengthen its presence in international media.
Autor: MLM
Fuente: VTC Canal8