Venezuela Commemorate Geneva Agreements on Border Dispute

February 17, 2024 Hour: 4:28 pm

Venezuela commemorated this Saturday the anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Agreement of 1966, while ratifying that it is the international legal instrument to resolve the border dispute with Guyana, on the territory of that State.


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This was said by the Venezuelan vice president, Delcy Rodriguez, who said that the Geneva Agreement calls for “guaranteeing coexistence, legality to resolve the dispute and must be the instrument to resolve it, not taking shortcuts as Guyana has done”.

She warned that, “the day after there will be the Geneva Agreement”, referring to the steps taken by neighboring Guyana and Exxon Mobile in the exploitation of natural resources in the disputed area.

The Vice President pointed out as well that “Guyana has opted for provocation, a threat to set up armed aggressions against Venezuela, with a false victimism and an endless caradurismo when trying to accuse Venezuela of what only they do, calling third parties”.

On the other hand the Venezuelan FM Yvan Gil pointed in his X account: “This agreement, the result of dialogue and diplomacy, was signed on February 17, 1966 by delegations from Venezuela and the United Kingdom, the latter representing the then colonized British Guyana,”

The FM remembered that the agreement established that the Guyanese authorities would take the role of the United Kingdom in declaring its independence, and in that way, both countries would be free to initiate a dialogue between equals and without interference from external interests to seek solutions based on mutual respect and international law.

Also, the Venezuelan FM highlighted that on this anniversary of the Geneva Agreement, the Venezuelan Government reaffirm its commitment to peace, dialogue, diplomacy, justice and sovereignty, and furthermore, it renew its willingness to continue working to leave behind harmful colonial legacies.

Autor: teleSUR/ACJ

Fuente: @delcyrodriguezv/@yvangil/VTV