Venezuela Rejects Brazil’s Veto to Prevent its Entry into the BRICS Group.

Maduro expressed optimism about the future, stating that “a new world has been born” and that Venezuela remains part of a free world without hegemonies. Oct 24, 2024 Photo: Nicolas Maduro

October 24, 2024 Hour: 8:00 pm

This approach seeks not only to improve Venezuela’s economy, weakened by international sanctions but also to establish strategic alliances with emerging powers like Russia and China.


President Maduro: Simon Bolivar’s Struggle Becomes Reality Today Thanks to BRICS

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for inviting its President, Nicolas Maduro, to participate in the BRICS+ summit in Kazan.

Through a statement, the Venezuelan government described the BRICS summit as historic for a new world of peace, justice, and development; however, it denounced that the Brazilian Foreign Ministry’s representation, led by Ambassador Eduardo Paes Saboia, “decided to maintain the veto that Bolsonaro applied to Venezuela for years, reproducing the hatred, exclusion, and intolerance promoted from Western power centers to prevent, for now, the entry of Bolívar’s homeland into this organization.”

Although during the summit Venezuela received support from several participating countries to formalize its entry into the bloc, the Bolivarian nation rejects the veto as it constitutes an aggression towards Venezuela and reflects current geopolitical tensions, where Western powers attempt to limit Venezuelan influence.

The document also highlights the Venezuelan people’s indignation at this “inexplicable and immoral aggression” and reaffirms Venezuela’s commitment to self-determination and sovereign equality of states.

Despite not achieving inclusion in BRICS, Maduro expressed optimism about the future, stating that “a new world has been born” and that Venezuela remains part of a free world without hegemonies.

Additionally, the Venezuelan leader used the context of the summit to strengthen relations with other global leaders and advocate for changes in international payment systems, emphasizing the need for a new monetary system to counter Western dominance.

This approach seeks not only to improve Venezuela’s economy, weakened by international sanctions but also to establish strategic alliances with emerging powers like Russia and China.

The statement reflects both international recognition of Venezuela and the difficulties it faces in seeking integration into blocs like BRICS, highlighting the complexities of contemporary international relations.

Autor: MLM

Fuente: Venezuelan Governement

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