Venezuelan Authorities Arrest 11 People Linked to Electrical Sabotage

Venezuelan Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello, Sept. 4, 2024. Photo: X/ @RoiLopezRivas

September 5, 2024 Hour: 1:11 pm

On August 30, fascist groups attacked the Guri system, the main power generation in this South American country.

On Wednesday, Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello confirmed the arrest of 11 people related to the blackout on August 30 and reiterated that the fascist opposition was responsible for the sabotage.


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“There are already people detained. We are transferring them to Caracas,” he said during his TV program “Hitting with the Hammer” (Con el Mazo Dando), without providing further details. He also stated that far-right organizations know that an attack on the electrical system is a “broad blow” because the blackout affects the water supply and the functioning of hospitals.

Regarding these consequences, the Interior Minister recalled that a woman was undergoing a bone marrow transplant during the blackout at a hospital in Caracas. Fortunately, however, the operation was successful and without any issues.

On Friday, August 30, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro claimed that fascist groups attacked the Guri system, the main power generation facility located in Bolivar state.

The resulting blackout was the second-longest in Venezuela, following the blackout in March 2019, when the governments of the United States and Colombia, led at the time by Donald Trump and Ivan Duque, activated a new wave of destabilization against Venezuela.

On Wednesday, Minister Cabello also confirmed the arrest of a U.S. Marine, who was allegedly part of a new destabilization plan aimed at attacking President Maduro.

Previously, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department said that “a U.S. Marine was detained on or around August 30, 2024, by Venezuelan law enforcement authorities while on a personal trip to Venezuela.”

teleSUR/ JF Source: VTV – EFE