Venezuelan Minister Cabello Calls for the Formation of the International Against Fascism

Venezuelan Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello, Sept. 11, 2024. X/ @ALBATCP

September 11, 2024 Hour: 12:45 pm

If imperialism is successful in its plans against Venezuela, it will replicate them in other countries, he warned

On Wednesday, Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello proposed the creation of an “International against fascism” to respond to the current globalization of fascism.


The World Congress Against Fascism Kicks Off in Venezuela

“Imperialism has mechanisms to persecute those who raise their voice against it. Those who are here even run the risk of being persecuted in their countries,” he said and greeted the international delegates participating in the first World Congress Against Fascism, Neofascism and Similar Expressions, which has been taking place since Tuesday in Venezuela.

“We thank you because you are brave men and women. With your presence here, you accompany us in our battle, which is also your battle,” Cabello said.

“Venezuela is a great laboratory. If imperialism is successful in its plans against Venezuela, it will replicate them in other countries, putting pressure on heads of state, silencing them, and making them accomplices,” Cabello added.

The Interior Minister then said that the Congress Against Fascism is taking place at an opportune moment to respond to attempts to destroy the Global South’s peoples and subject them to economic elites.

“It is important to identify fascists in time. They give signals and group together pretending to take political action,” the Bolivarian officer said.

On Tuesday, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez inaugurated the ‘World Congress against Fascism, Neofascism and Similar Expressions’ in Caracas, where dozens of progressive social, environmental, and political leaders from around the world are gathered.

teleSUR/ JF Source: VTV – PSUV