Venezuelan National Assembly Approves Pension Protection Bill

May 2, 2024 Hour: 8:13 pm
The National Assembly of Venezuela approved on Thursday in the first discussion, the Social Security Pension Protection Bill, after it was presented to that body by the executive vice president of the South American country, Delcy Rodriguez.
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“We wanted to bring this bill that has 13 articles that seek special protection, through contributions and contributions of private business for the protection of pensions against criminal blockade”said Rodríguez and also recalled that the country’s income from the blockade was impacted by 99 percent.
In that sense, he denounced that on April 18, the United States Government reimposed sanctions against Venezuela and its oil industry, which will generate losses in revenues that reach and exceed 2,000,000,000 by 2024.
“The determination of the Venezuelan people has been very firm in saying that no criminal blockade, no blackmail and no extortion can change the will and sovereignty of the Venezuelan people”said, while stressing that the only will that should govern the country is that of the people and not that of any foreign mandate.
#02May || Queda aprobado el Proyecto de Ley de Protección de las Pensiones de Seguridad Social frente al Bloqueo Imperialista, en su primera discusión.
— Asamblea Nacional ���� (@Asamblea_Ven)
May 2, 2024
#02May || Queda aprobado el Proyecto de Ley de Protección de las Pensiones de Seguridad Social frente al Bloqueo Imperialista, en su primera discusión.
— Asamblea Nacional ���� (@Asamblea_Ven)
May 2, 2024
The text reads,
The Bill for the Protection of Social Security Pensions against the Imperialist Blockade is approved, in its first discussion.
Rodriguez demanded that the lifting of sanctions against Venezuela is a right of Venezuelans and insisted that the Law on the Protection of Social Security Pensions is not only social protection.
“It evokes our people, the most vulnerable, our adults, who have retired, have retired, in particular, our grandparents and our grandmothers,” he said.
For this reason, he asked the parliamentary body for the approval of this law which he described as transcendent, as heirs also of Simon Bolivar, creator of the concept of social security, which has left its mark on humanity.
#EnFotos || Por instrucciones del Pdte. @NicolasMaduro, la Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de la República, @delcyrodriguezv, presentó este jueves, ante la @Asamblea_Ven el Proyecto de Ley de Protección de las Pensiones de Seguridad Social frente al Bloqueo Imperialista.#02May
— Vicepresidencia Vzla (@ViceVenezuela)
May 2, 2024
#EnFotos || Por instrucciones del Pdte. @NicolasMaduro, la Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de la República, @delcyrodriguezv, presentó este jueves, ante la @Asamblea_Ven el Proyecto de Ley de Protección de las Pensiones de Seguridad Social frente al Bloqueo Imperialista.#02May
— Vicepresidencia Vzla (@ViceVenezuela)
May 2, 2024
The text reads,
By instructions of the President.
Nicolas Maduro
, the Executive Vice President of the Republic,
Delcy Rodriguez
, presented this Thursday, before the
National Assembly
the Bill for the Protection of Social Security Pensions against the Imperialist Blockade.
“This bill also evokes Commander Hugo Chavez,” and recalled that when he came to power in 1998, only 19.5 percent of the population was a beneficiary of pensions, so Chavez declared the public service character of social security, which was privatized at the time, and included in the 1999 Constitution.
Rodriguez clarified how despite the blockade, Venezuela has 11 consecutive quarters of economic growth, which has been possible thanks to the efforts of workers in public and private productive sectors, who have understood that national union is the way to progress.
In this regard, he indicated that public finances have been strengthened and deepened, other economic recovery indicators have been added to protect the purchasing power of workers’ income, stability of the dollar price in the exchange market has been achieved, so the law is “a special contribution to protect the pension system from criminal blockade”.
¡Justicia Social!
Por instrucción del presidente de la República, @NicolasMaduro recibimos de manos de la Vicepresidencia @delcyrodriguezv , el Proyecto de Ley Especial de Aporte de los Empleadores para la Protección de las Pensiones.
— Pedro Infante A. (@pinfantea)
May 2, 2024
¡Justicia Social!
Por instrucción del presidente de la República, @NicolasMaduro recibimos de manos de la Vicepresidencia @delcyrodriguezv , el Proyecto de Ley Especial de Aporte de los Empleadores para la Protección de las Pensiones.
— Pedro Infante A. (@pinfantea)
May 2, 2024
The text reads,
Social justice! By instruction of the President of the Republic,
Nicolas Maduro
we received from the Vice Presidency
Delcy Rodriguez
, the Special Bill on Employers’ Contributions for the Protection of Pensions.
“It is a law that also contemplates the rejection of any type of foreign jurisdiction or unilateral coercive measure that is intended to be applied in Venezuela,” he said, while commenting that on this day it was discussed with the private sectors.
The vice president also said that another aspect is related to the recovery of the bolivar as a means of protection for the most vulnerable, so with the law, the Venezuelan monetary sign regains its space.
He also warned of an extremist sector that opposes the law inspired by hatred and lack of heart to think about the Venezuelan people.
#02May || Presidente de la AN, diputado Jorge Rodríguez:
“Todo lo que se está haciendo, ahora y en adelante es para recuperar la vida plena del Estado de Bienestar que nos robaron los que piden sanciones”.
— Asamblea Nacional ���� (@Asamblea_Ven)
May 2, 2024
#02May || Presidente de la AN, diputado Jorge Rodríguez:
“Todo lo que se está haciendo, ahora y en adelante es para recuperar la vida plena del Estado de Bienestar que nos robaron los que piden sanciones”.
— Asamblea Nacional ���� (@Asamblea_Ven)
May 2, 2024
The text reads,
President of the AN, deputy Jorge Rodríguez: “Everything that is being done, now and from now on, is to recover the full life of the Welfare State that those who ask for sanctions stole from us.”
Meanwhile, he stressed that 99 percent of the contributions the country receives for social security, is made by the Venezuelan State, and urged entrepreneurs to put their hands on their hearts and reflect on whether it is worth recreating a smile on parents and grandparents in the face of an improvement in the situation that has been impacted by the blockade.
“Let no one be left out and do their bit. Let our grandparents know that they are not disbanded. That the workers’ president has always been thinking about how to reach out,” he insisted and said that in Latin America, governments like that of Javier Milei, in Argentina, announced the cessation of pensions.
Upon receiving the document, the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, affirmed that “No one can doubt the immense struggles that have been fought so that our people can continue to enjoy and recover the Welfare State that only the Bolivarian Revolution managed to sow in Venezuela”.
In that sense, he appreciated that “Never before in Republican history, the income of workers was indexed to the price of the currency and specified that although inflation has been controlled, the income of workers is protected so that the capacity of income is not modified.
“It is notorious that the income of the Venezuelan economy is to distribute for all but mainly in the most vulnerable and those who were most attacked by criminal sanctions”, and indicated that the families of people who advocated the imposition of sanctions will even benefit from the law.
The President of the Parliament announced the appointment “of a joint commission formed by the Permanent Commission for Social Development and the Economy, for the purpose that after the debate, if the law is approved in first discussion, are declared in permanent session to make due consultation and bring the law next Tuesday for second discussion and possible sanction”.
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Autor: teleSUR/ CC