Venezuelan People Take the Streets to Celebrate Two Months of Maduro’s Electoral Victory

Venezuelan people gathered in the downtown of the capital, Caracas to celebrate the two months anniversary of the Nicolas Maduro electoral victory. Photo: PSUV

September 28, 2024 Hour: 3:25 pm

On saturday, the Venezuelan people have take the streets on massive mobilizations around all the country to show their support and celebrate two months since the overwhelming electoral victory of the president Nicolas Maduro on July 28.


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In Caracas, the capital, from noon, young revolutionary men and women began to gather in the vicinity of Plaza Venezuela, with the intention of moving towards the city center to reaffirm their support for President Nicolás Maduro, report some local media.

More than 1200 motorized people are present in the mobilization and sent a message to the people of peace, saying that you can see how in the streets of Caracas is the people deployed “to defend their sovereignty and the peace of the country”.

Blanca Castro, Speaker of the Local Committee of Supply and Production (CLAP), said from a Cojedes State town that the people overflowed in the municipality Tinaco, to defend the president of all Venezuelans, “duélele a quien le duela”.

For her part, María Rodríguez, another CLAP speaker expressed that the people are in the streets, to celebrate the two months of popular victory, in joy, “we are in the street to ratify that Nicolás Maduro is the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and we continue in victory”.

In the island state of Nueva Esparta, youth, peasants, women, fishermen, older adults and workers marched in a mobilization led by the member of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) of the region, Giuseppe Alessandrello.

Alessandrello emphasized the necessity of reactivating with forces the Popular Units for Peace (UPPAZ), organizational body deployed throughout the national territory to ensure peace, harmony and happiness for the Venezuelan people.

In this regard, Alessandrello called to beware “any destabilization or presence of a person seeking to violate the population, and institutions.”

On the other hand, Puerto Ayacucho governor Miguel Rodríguez pointed out that the people of Amazonas took to the streets to say: “we will defend peace, we will defend the victory of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, we will celebrate the two months of the popular victory of last July 28 and defeat the aggressions against the Homeland.

Autor: ACJ

Fuente: VTV // AVN // PSUV

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