Venezuelan Scientists Develop Stem Cell Treatments

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (C) accompanied by patients treated with stem cells, Sept. 16, 2024. X/ @YohelisMoncada

September 17, 2024 Hour: 11:31 am

‘They are top-tier. The Great Mission for Science, Technology, and Innovation has much to offer,’ President Maduro said.

On Monday, Science and Technology Minister Gabriela Jimenez announced that Venezuelan scientists have made significant progress in the preservation of human stem cells to treat patients with various conditions.


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“These cells allow for the regeneration of nerves and the formation of cartilage, bone tissue, and epithelium,” she said during the TV program *”With Maduro +.”*

Jimenez highlighted the case of three young athletes who received bone cell treatments completely free of charge, while in other countries an equivalent procedure costs over US$20,000.

Jose Cardier, the head of the Cellular Therapy Unit at the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC), reported that scientists have managed to treat over 120 patients using stem cell treatments.

The text reads, “Nobody can stop Venezuela! Venezuela becomes the world’s first country to regenerate dental pulp from stem cells. An advanced therapy applied by specialists from the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research. It is a revolutionary advance in dentistry.”

Currently, Bolivarian scientists and doctors are working to extend regenerative medicine services to more hospitals across the South American nation.

“They are top-tier. The Great Mission for Science, Technology, and Innovation has much to offer the country,” the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said, praising the work of the scientists.

“Thinking big, we are the headquarters of the ALBA-TCP Scientific Center. We also need to integrate all this capacity with BRICS,” the Bolivarian leader added.

teleSUR/ JF Source: Con Maduro + – Con el Mazo Dando