Venezuelan Supreme Court Reports 60% Advance in Technical Expertise of Electoral Material

Supreme Court technical staff analyzing and transcribing election material. Photo: teleSUR

August 18, 2024 Hour: 12:32 pm

More than 60 percent of the ballot papers submitted have already been transcribed by the technical operators of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela, according to reported by the Venezuelan News Agency.


Supreme Court of Venezuela Continues To Examine Electoral Records

The electoral tallies of the July 28 presidential elections were filed in the TSJ’s electoral chamber by the rectors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) for the investigation of the electoral dispute brought by President Nicolás Maduro to verify the results of the presidential elections.

Once concluded the revision, verification and transcription process international experts will analyse the results to verify trends of political organizations that participated in the elections, and then 100% of the tallies have been transcribed, it will be validated against the results in the database of the national totalization centres of the CNE.

This technical expertise step will allow the correspondence of documents present in the acts of counting and those that were transmitted by voting machines to be certified.

This completes the cycle of verification and validation of the integrity of the results that were issued in the bulletins announced by the CNE.

The expert report will allow the Electoral Chamber to issue a final verdict on the contentious appeal requested by President Nicolás Maduro.

The TSJ has highly specialized staff to ensure the accuracy and objectivity of the report. Thus, the TSJ has completed each phase of the investigation.

The political parties that supported former candidate Edmundo González were the only ones that did not provide minutes. González also did not appear before the TSJ on the day he was summoned.

Autor: ACJ
