Venezuelans Pay Tribute to Liberator Simon Bolivar 194 Years After His Death

SImon Bolivar. X/ @RVidaud
December 17, 2024 Hour: 3:13 pm
The best way to honor him is through ethics, virtue, courage, selflessness, and anti-imperialist fidelity, President Maduro said.
On Tuesday, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez attended the National Pantheon to pay tribute to the Liberator Simon Bolivar, marking the 194th anniversary of his death, which occurred on December 17, 1830, in Santa Marta, Colombia.
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She laid a floral offering at his sarcophagus, accompanied by senior officials such as the President of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso; the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Caryslia Rodriguez; the Ombudsman, Alfredo Angulo; and the Comptroller General, Gustavo Vizcaino.
During the ceremony, Bolivar was also honored by representatives from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, as well as by the high command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), led by Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino and Strategic Operational Commander Domingo Hernandez.
In her speech, the Venezuelan Vice President highlighted the figure of the Liberator Simon Bolivar, recalling his repeated calls for Latin American unity, his profound belief in human potential and goodness, his anti-imperialist and anti-Monroe Doctrine vision, and his military doctrine rooted in the sovereignty and independence of the peoples of the Americas.
“We are the children of Bolivar, who calls on us never to surrender to those who seek to subjugate us,” Rodriguez said, referring to the economic war waged by the United States and its allies against the Venezuelan people.
She also reaffirmed Venezuela’s historical rights over the Essequibo region, derived from the anti-imperialist struggle that Bolivar initiated in the 19th century.
“Venezuela will uphold the legacy of the Liberator, defending its sovereignty against empires that wish to subdue our homeland,” Rodriguez emphasized, while rejecting sanctions imposed by Canada on several high-ranking Venezuelan officials.
Earlier, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro reflected on Bolivar’s passage into immortality and the immense legacy he left through his ideas, independence-driven actions, and relentless fight for continental freedom.
“We commemorate 194 years since the day our giant Liberator, Simon Bolivar, departed for eternal life, leaving us his doctrine, thought, and example of ideas and action. The man of difficulties never tired of fighting for the freedom of an entire continent,” he said.
“Bolivar of ours, Bolivar of always, Bolivar as a challenge, Bolivar as a commitment, Bolivar as morality! The best way to honor him is through political ethics, with virtue, courage, selflessness, and anti-imperialist fidelity,” Maduro stressed.
“We invoke his name, spirit, and sword of independence and freedom. With him, we stand, and for him, we continue with utmost joy, raising his flag, guiding our people, the struggle of Latin America and the Caribbean, and the causes of justice worldwide. Long live Bolivar in thought and action!” he added.
On Tuesday, Venezuelans marched from various points in Caracas to remember Bolivar. In this context, volunteer citizens committed to defending Venezuelan sovereignty took oaths to join the Combatant Corps of the Bolivarian Militia, and the Special Militia Unit of the Honor Guard was activated.
teleSUR/ JF Sources: VTV – teleSUR