Venezuela’s Government Stands Firm Against US Claims and Interference

“Our people and government remain standing, with dignity,” said Gil, highlighting Venezuela’s efforts to build a sovereign and independent country despite the adversities imposed from abroad. Dec 30, 2024 Photo: Yvan Gil
December 30, 2024 Hour: 4:53 pm
Gil did not hold back when referring to the outgoing US administration, describing it as “one of the most inept and damaging in the foreign policy” of that country.
Venezuela Rejects Statements by US Secretary of State Blinken
Venezuela’s Foreign Minister, Yván Gil, has issued a strong response to the recent statements made by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who attempted to revive the figure of the opposition’s former presidential candidate, González Urrutia.
In a statement released on Monday, Gil openly criticized US interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs, calling Blinken a “promoter and defender of fascism” in the country.
Gil did not hold back when referring to the outgoing US administration, describing it as “one of the most inept and damaging in the foreign policy” of that country.
In his statement, he emphasized the despair of the US official for supporting a Venezuelan opposition that he considers “disconnected, terrorist, and lacking popular support.”
According to the minister, this opposition has been complicit in every failure suffered by the country over the past 25 years.
The minister emphasized that over four years, attempts by the US government to destabilize Venezuela have repeatedly failed, assuring that this new attempt will not be different.
“Our people and government remain standing, with dignity,” said Gil, highlighting Venezuela’s efforts to build a sovereign and independent country despite the adversities imposed from abroad.
Finally, Gil made it clear that Bolivarian Venezuela does not accept lessons or pressure from anyone, especially those who have failed in their policies.
The response from the Venezuelan minister reflects the firm position of the Bolivarian government against external interference and reaffirms its commitment to national sovereignty in a complex and challenging political scenario.
Autor: MLM
Fuente: Yvan Gil