Venezuela’s Parliament Endorses TSJ Ruling on Presidential Elections

President of the AN Jorge Rodriguez, Aug 22, 2024 Photo: VTV

August 22, 2024 Hour: 7:14 pm

Jorge Rodríguez warned that the international media have not covered the TSJ’s expertise.

The National Assembly of Venezuela endorsed on Tuesday the ruling issued by the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) Which certifies with unobjectionable character the results of the presidential elections of last 28 July that were presented by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

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During the ordinary session of the Venezuelan National Assembly, its president, Jorge Rodríguez, said that the TSJ read the content of the sentence in a masterly way, which sets out the basis for jurisdiction for similar situations in the future.

“The first one is that the Venezuelan president, in order for the Republic to maintain peace and in full fascist threat against people, so that the Electoral Chamber can settle the dispute and guarantee peace and sovereignty,” he said.

In this regard, he stated that the rectors of the CNE handed over all the material so that the Electoral Chamber could define and resolve the dispute.

Rodríguez explained that of the 38 parties, only 33 registered the required electoral material and emphasized that they attended the TSJ, Manuel Rosales, representative of Un Nuevo Tiempo; José Luis Cartaya, of the Bureau of Democratic Unity and José Simón Calzadilla, of the Movement for Venezuela.

All three were members of the so-called Alianza Plataforma Unitaria and candidates for former candidate Edmundo González, and did not submit any electoral material. They stated, however, that they did not have the records of the table witnesses or lists of the tables.

“The other parties recorded what they had. The CNE recorded what they had. Where are the minutes, Rosales? Where are the minutes, Calzadilla? Where are the minutes, Cartaya?” he asked.

When he said that the electoral material was in physical and digital form, he warned that this was the main reason why they had brutally affected the Venezuelan electoral system.

In that sense, he reflected that it is impossible for someone who is winning an election to attack the electoral system to delay the counting of votes.

“It was not an election event, it was a coup d’état. What they were aiming at was that the attack would be so brutal that it would not allow the first bulletin to be issued in order to filter out the barbarity of the leaked records.” He denounced, while stating that they did not count on the CNE having technical strength and work disposition and managed to recover from the attack and have enough scrutiny to give the first bulletin.

On the fourth point of the TSJ’s judgment, relating to the expertise, it was pointed out that there is no scientist in Venezuela with an academic level higher than the technicians who participated in this exercise, who analyzed all election materials and the 30,026 voting machines.

In that sense, he warned that the international media have not covered the expertise.

Rodríguez commented that the opposition could have presented other remedies contained in the Constitution, since they had 20 days to go to the CNE and one month to do so before the TSJ, but did not take advantage of them.

“That is the proof of what they really tried to do and did, but again we owe 25 dead; again women and men of the people were brutally killed; again they tried to sow terror, but again their account went wrong,” he said.

On the other hand, the president of the parliament Jorge Rodriguez indicated that a law should be created for political parties where it is prohibited in future elections the participation of any Venezuelan who has called for a coup d’état and invasion.

“This National Assembly must make a law on political parties for future elections, which clearly prohibits any person from this country from calling for a coup d’état, invasions and murder. At least in Venezuela, a fascist can’t be a candidate,” he added.

Autor: CC

Fuente: teleSURtv-VTV

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